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audial(1) [opendarwin man page]

AUDIAL(1)						      General Commands Manual							 AUDIAL(1)

audial - generate or recognize touch tones for North American telephones SYNOPSIS
audial [-audio servername] [-volume 0-100] [-spacing milliseconds] [-pause milliseconds] [-duration milliseconds] dialstring audial -recognize [-microphone] [-gain 0-100] [-time seconds] DESCRIPTION
The audial program generates touch tones suitable for dialing a North American telephone. audial can also recognize touch tones and pro- duce the corresponding string. GENERAL OPTIONS
The following options may be used in either dial or recognition mode: -audio servername This option specifies the Network Audio System server on which the files should be played. DIAL OPTIONS
The following options may be used in dial mode: -volume 0-100 This option specifies the volume at which the data should be played as a percentage of the maximum possible volume. The default is 100 percent. -spacing milliseconds This option specifies the number of milliseconds to wait in between each digit. The default is 100. -pause milliseconds This option specifies the number of milliseconds to wait whenever a comma (,) is used in a dial string. The default is 400. -duration milliseconds This option specifies the duration of each tone in milliseconds. The default is 100. DIALING STRING
The following characters may be used in a dialing string: 0123456789*# The corresponding touch tone is generated. abcd Tones representing the 4 "function" keys often found on a keypad are generated. , A blank tone whose length is specified by the -pause option is generated. Any other characters are ignored. RECOGNITION OPTIONS
-recognize Enables recognition mode. audial will attempt to recognize touch tones from the input device and output the corresponding charac- ter. -microphone Use microphone gain levels on the audio input device. If a microphone is plugged into the audio input jack, this option should be used. -gain 0-100 This option specifies the input gain level. The default is 95. -time seconds This option specifies how long to attempt the recognition. The default is forever. ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES
The following environment variables are used by audial: AUDIOSERVER This specifies the name of default audio server to contact if no name is explicitly given on the command line. DISPLAY This specifies the name of an X Window System display that should be assumed to also have a corresponding Network Audio System server. SEE ALSO
Copyright 1993, 1994 Network Computing Devices, Inc. AUTHORS
Greg Renda, Network Computing Devices, Inc. Kevin Martin, Network Computing Devices, Inc. 1.9.3 AUDIAL(1)

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AUCTL(1)						      General Commands Manual							  AUCTL(1)

auctl - control various audio server parameters SYNOPSYS
auctl [-audio servername] [-q] [command...] DESCRIPTION
The auctl program can be used to control various audio server parameters. It is typically used when connecting up new devices, or to set user preferences. If no command is specified on the program command line, auctl reads commands from the standard output. If the standard input and standard output are both attached to a terminal, an interactive prompt is provided. OPTIONS
The following options may be used with auctl: -audio servername This option specifies the Network Audio System server on which the files should be played. -q This option indicates that no prompt should be given when reading commands from the standard input. COMMANDS
The following commands may be used with auctl: help This command prints a list of the commands that may be given. set device id gain [=,+,-] percent With =, this command sets the gain on the device specified by id to the indicated percentage, or alters it by the given number of percentage points if + or - is used. If the id is a decimal number n, the nth device returned by the server (see auinfo) is used. Otherwise, id should be a hexidecimal number specifying the resource identifier of the desired device. set device id linemode = low This command sets the linemode of the device specified by id to the lower setting appropriate for microphones. set device id linemode = hi This command sets the linemode of the device specified by id to the higher setting appropriate for CD players. list device id gain This command lists the gain of the specified device in the form needed to set it. list device id linemode This command lists the line mode of the specified device in the form needed to set it. list device id This command lists the gain and line mode of the specified device. quit, exit, or ^D Either of these commands or an end of file causes the program to exit. ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES
The following environment variables are used by auctl: AUDIOSERVER This specifies the name of default audio server to contact if no name is explicitly given on the command line. DISPLAY This specifies the name of an X Window System display that should be assumed to also have a corresponding Network Audio System server. SEE ALSO
nas(1), auplay(1), audial(1), audemo(1), autool(1) COPYRIGHT
Copyright 1993, 1994 Network Computing Devices, Inc. AUTHOR
Jim Fulton, Network Computing Devices, Inc. 1.9.3 AUCTL(1)
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