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uvm_km_free(9) [netbsd man page]

UVM_KM(9)						   BSD Kernel Developer's Manual						 UVM_KM(9)

uvm_km -- raw kernel memory or address space allocator SYNOPSIS
#include <sys/param.h> #include <uvm/uvm.h> vaddr_t uvm_km_alloc(struct vm_map *map, vsize_t size, vsize_t align, uvm_flag_t flags); void uvm_km_free(struct vm_map *map, vaddr_t addr, vsize_t size, uvm_flag_t flags); struct vm_map * uvm_km_suballoc(struct vm_map *map, vaddr_t *min, vaddr_t *max, vsize_t size, int flags, bool fixed, struct vm_map_kernel *submap); DESCRIPTION
The UVM facility for allocation of kernel memory or address space in pages. Both wired and pageable memory can be allocated by this facil- ity, as well as kernel address space. Note that this is a raw allocator. For general purpose memory allocation, kmem(9) interface should be used. FUNCTIONS
uvm_km_alloc() allocates size bytes of kernel memory in map map. The first address of the allocated memory range will be aligned according to the align argument (specify 0 if no alignment is necessary). The alignment must be a multiple of page size. The flags is a bitwise inclusive OR of the allocation type and operation flags. The allocation type should be one of: UVM_KMF_WIRED Wired memory. UVM_KMF_PAGEABLE Demand-paged zero-filled memory. UVM_KMF_VAONLY Virtual address only. No physical pages are mapped in the allocated region. If necessary, it is the caller's responsibil- ity to enter page mappings. It is also the caller's responsibility to clean up the mappings before freeing the address range. The following operation flags are available: UVM_KMF_CANFAIL Can fail even if UVM_KMF_NOWAIT is not specified and UVM_KMF_WAITVA is specified. UVM_KMF_ZERO Request zero-filled memory. Only supported for UVM_KMF_WIRED. Should not be used with other types. UVM_KMF_TRYLOCK Fail if cannot lock the map without sleeping. UVM_KMF_NOWAIT Fail immediately if no memory is available. UVM_KMF_WAITVA Sleep to wait for the virtual address resources if needed. If neither UVM_KMF_NOWAIT nor UVM_KMF_CANFAIL are specified and UVM_KMF_WAITVA is specified, uvm_km_alloc() will never fail, but rather sleep indefinitely until the allocation succeeds. Pageability of the pages allocated with UVM_KMF_PAGEABLE can be changed by uvm_map_pageable(). In that case, the entire range must be changed atomically. Changing a part of the range is not supported. uvm_km_free() frees the memory range allocated by uvm_km_alloc(). addr must be an address returned by uvm_km_alloc(). map and size must be the same as the ones used for the corresponding uvm_km_alloc(). flags must be the allocation type used for the corresponding uvm_km_alloc(). Note that uvm_km_free() is the only way to free memory ranges allocated by uvm_km_alloc(). uvm_unmap() must not be used. uvm_km_suballoc() allocates submap from map, creating a new map if submap is NULL. The addresses of the submap can be specified explicitly by setting the fixed argument to true, which causes the min argument to specify the beginning of the address in the submap. If fixed is false, any address of size size will be allocated from map and the start and end addresses returned in min and max. The flags are used to initialize the created submap. The following flags can be set: VM_MAP_PAGEABLE Entries in the map may be paged out. VM_MAP_INTRSAFE Map should be interrupt-safe. VM_MAP_TOPDOWN A top-down mapping should be arranged. SEE ALSO
kmem(9), pmap(9), pool_cache(9), uvm(9), uvm_map(9), vmem(9) HISTORY
UVM and uvm_km first appeared in NetBSD 1.4. BSD
June 3, 2011 BSD

Check Out this Related Man Page

UVM_MAP(9)						   BSD Kernel Developer's Manual						UVM_MAP(9)

uvm_map -- virtual address space management interface SYNOPSIS
#include <sys/param.h> #include <uvm/uvm.h> int uvm_map(struct vm_map *map, vaddr_t *startp, vsize_t size, struct uvm_object *uobj, voff_t uoffset, vsize_t align, uvm_flag_t flags); void uvm_unmap(struct vm_map *map, vaddr_t start, vaddr_t end); int uvm_map_pageable(struct vm_map *map, vaddr_t start, vaddr_t end, bool new_pageable, int lockflags); bool uvm_map_checkprot(struct vm_map *map, vaddr_t start, vaddr_t end, vm_prot_t protection); int uvm_map_protect(struct vm_map *map, vaddr_t start, vaddr_t end, vm_prot_t new_prot, bool set_max); int uvm_deallocate(struct vm_map *map, vaddr_t start, vsize_t size); struct vmspace * uvmspace_alloc(vaddr_t min, vaddr_t max); void uvmspace_exec(struct lwp *l, vaddr_t start, vaddr_t end); struct vmspace * uvmspace_fork(struct vmspace *vm); void uvmspace_free(struct vmspace *vm); void uvmspace_share(struct proc *p1, struct proc *p2); vaddr_t uvm_uarea_alloc(void); void uvm_uarea_free(vaddr_t uaddr); vaddr_t uvm_uarea_system_alloc(void); void uvm_uarea_system_free(vaddr_t uaddr); DESCRIPTION
The UVM facility for virtual address space management. FUNCTIONS
uvm_map() establishes a valid mapping in map map, which must be unlocked. The new mapping has size size, which must be a multiple of PAGE_SIZE. The uobj and uoffset arguments can have four meanings. When uobj is NULL and uoffset is UVM_UNKNOWN_OFFSET, uvm_map() does not use the machine-dependent PMAP_PREFER function. If uoffset is any other value, it is used as the hint to PMAP_PREFER. When uobj is not NULL and uoffset is UVM_UNKNOWN_OFFSET, uvm_map() finds the offset based upon the virtual address, passed as startp. If uoffset is any other value, then a regular mapping is performed at this offset. The start address of the map will be returned in startp. align specifies alignment of mapping unless UVM_FLAG_FIXED is specified in flags. align must be a power of 2. flags passed to uvm_map() are typically created using the UVM_MAPFLAG(vm_prot_t prot, vm_prot_t maxprot, vm_inherit_t inh, int advice, int flags) macro, which uses the following values. The prot and maxprot can take are: UVM_PROT_NONE No protection bits. UVM_PROT_R Read. UVM_PROT_W Write. UVM_PROT_X Exec. UVM_PROT_MASK Mask to extraction the protection bits. Additionally, the following constants for ORed values are available: UVM_PROT_RW, UVM_PROT_RX, UVM_PROT_WX and UVM_PROT_RWX. The values that inh can take are: UVM_INH_SHARE Share the map. UVM_INH_COPY Copy the map. UVM_INH_NONE No inheritance. UVM_INH_MASK Mark to extract inherit flags. The values that advice can take are: UVM_ADV_NORMAL "Normal" use. UVM_ADV_RANDOM "Random" access likelyhood. UVM_ADV_SEQUENTIAL "Sequential" access likelyhood. UVM_ADV_MASK Mask to extract the advice flags. The values that flags can take are: UVM_FLAG_FIXED Attempt to map on the address specified by startp. Otherwise, it is used just as a hint. UVM_FLAG_OVERLAY Establish overlay. UVM_FLAG_NOMERGE Do not merge map entries, if such merge is possible. UVM_FLAG_COPYONW Use copy-on-write i.e. do not fault in the pages immediately. UVM_FLAG_AMAPPAD User for BSS: alocate larger amap, if extending is likely. UVM_FLAG_TRYLOCK Fail if cannot acquire the lock immediately. UVM_FLAG_NOWAIT Not allowed to sleep. Fail, in such case. UVM_FLAG_QUANTUM Indicates that map entry cannot be split once mapped. UVM_FLAG_WAITVA Sleep until VA space is available, if it is not. UVM_FLAG_VAONLY Unmap only VA space. Used by uvm_unmap(). The UVM_MAPFLAG macro arguments can be combined with an or operator. There are several special purpose macros for checking protection combi- nations, e.g., the UVM_PROT_WX. There are also some additional macros to extract bits from the flags. The UVM_PROTECTION, UVM_INHERIT, UVM_MAXPROTECTION and UVM_ADVICE macros return the protection, inheritance, maximum protection and advice, respectively. uvm_map() returns zero on success or error number otherwise. uvm_unmap() removes a valid mapping, from start to end, in map map, which must be unlocked. uvm_map_pageable() changes the pageability of the pages in the range from start to end in map map to new_pageable. uvm_map_pageable() returns zero on success or error number otherwise. uvm_map_checkprot() checks the protection of the range from start to end in map map against protection. This returns either true or false. uvm_map_protect() changes the protection start to end in map map to new_prot, also setting the maximum protection to the region to new_prot if set_max is true. This function returns a standard UVM return value. uvm_deallocate() deallocates kernel memory in map map from address start to start + size. uvmspace_alloc() allocates and returns a new address space, with ranges from min to max. uvmspace_exec() either reuses the address space of thread l (its process) if there are no other references to it, or creates a new one with uvmspace_alloc(). The range of valid addresses in the address space is reset to start through end. uvmspace_fork() creates and returns a new address space based upon the vm address space, typically used when allocating an address space for a child process. uvmspace_free() lowers the reference count on the address space vm, freeing the data structures if there are no other references. uvmspace_share() causes process p2 to share the address space of p1. uvm_uarea_alloc() allocates memory for a u-area (i.e. kernel stack, PCB, etc) and returns the address. uvm_uarea_free() frees a u-area allocated with uvm_uarea_alloc(). uvm_uarea_system_alloc() and uvm_uarea_system_free() are optimised routines, which are used for kernel threads. SEE ALSO
pmap(9), uvm(9), uvm_km(9), vmem(9) HISTORY
UVM and uvm_map first appeared in NetBSD 1.4. BSD
June 3, 2011 BSD
Man Page