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inittodr(9) [netbsd man page]

INITTODR(9)						   BSD Kernel Developer's Manual					       INITTODR(9)

inittodr -- initialize system time SYNOPSIS
void inittodr(time_t base); DESCRIPTION
The inittodr() function determines the time and sets the system clock. It tries to pick the correct time using a set of heuristics that examine the system's battery-backed clock and the time reported by the file system, as given in base. Those heuristics include: o If the battery-backed clock has a valid time, and is not significantly behind the time provided by base, it is used. o If the battery-backed clock does not have a valid time, or is significantly behind the time provided in base, and the time provided in base is within reason, base is used as the current time. o If the battery-backed clock appears invalid, and base appears non-sensical or was not provided (was given as zero), an arbitrary base (typically some time within the same year that the kernel was last updated) will be used. Once a system time has been determined, it is stored in the time variable. DIAGNOSTICS
The inittodr() function prints diagnostic messages if it has trouble figuring out the system time. Conditions that can cause diagnostic mes- sages to be printed include: o There is no battery-backed clock present on the system. o The battery-backed clock's time appears nonsensical. o The base time appears nonsensical. o The base time and the battery-backed clock's time differ by a large amount. SEE ALSO
clock_ymdhms_to_secs(9), resettodr(9), time_second(9) BUGS
Some systems use heuristics for picking the correct time that are slightly different. BSD
September 6, 2006 BSD

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BATTERY-STATS(5)						File Formats Manual						  BATTERY-STATS(5)

battery-stats - collected battery statistics DESCRIPTION
The battery-stats contains statistics about battery charge over time, as collected by the battery-stats-collector (8) daemon. FORMAT
Each line in the file represents one sample and is of the form: <seconds> <charge%> <powermode> <UTC-date> <UTC-time> separated by spaces and terminated by a newline. Where: seconds is the number of seconds since 1st Jan 1970 00:00:00 UTC charge% is the battery charge a number between 0 and 100 powermode indicates the power mode: 0 A/C off 1 On battery 2 On backup power UTC-date a human-readable date in the format YYYY/MM/DD. Note that this is in UTC, not the local or system timezone. UTC-time a human-readable time in the format HH:MM:SS (using a 24-hour clock). Note that this is in UTC, not the local or system timezone. minutes-left is the BIOS estimate of how many minutes of running time the battery would provide. This may be unreliable, depending on the BIOS through which it was collected. EXAMPLE
A battery under charge might result in the following samples: 1032651245 27 1 2002/09/21 23:34:05 94 1032651275 28 1 2002/09/21 23:34:35 97 1032651305 29 1 2002/09/21 23:35:05 100 1032651335 30 1 2002/09/21 23:35:35 103 1032651365 30 1 2002/09/21 23:36:05 106 FILES
The default set-up is to save battery statistics in /var/log and rotate the logs weekly, which results in this set of files: /var/log/battery-stats - current (most recent) statistics /var/log/battery-stats.[0-9]+ - less recent statistics /var/log/battery-stats.[0-9]+.gz - ancient statistics SEE ALSO
battery-graph(1), battery-stats-collector(8). AUTHOR
Karl E. Jorgensen <> September 23, 2002 BATTERY-STATS(5)
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