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cpu_need_resched(9) [netbsd man page]

CPU_NEED_RESCHED(9)					   BSD Kernel Developer's Manual				       CPU_NEED_RESCHED(9)

cpu_need_resched -- context switch notification SYNOPSIS
#include <sys/cpu.h> void cpu_need_resched(struct cpu_info *ci, int flags); DESCRIPTION
The cpu_need_resched() function is the machine-independent interface for the scheduler to notify machine-dependent code that a context switch from the current LWP, on the cpu ci, is required. This event may occur if a higher priority LWP appears on the run queue or if the current LWP has exceeded its time slice. If RESCHED_KPREEMPT flag is specified in flags and __HAVE_PREEMPTION C pre-processor macro is defined in <machine/intr.h>, machine-dependent code should make a context switch happen as soon as possible even if the cpu is running the kernel code. If RESCHED_IMMED flag is specified in flags, machine-dependent code should make a context switch happen as soon as possible. In that case, for example, if ci is not the current processor, cpu_need_resched() typically issues an inter processor call to the processor to make it notice the need of a context switch as soon as possible. Typically, the cpu_need_resched() function will perform the following operations: o Set a per-processor flag which is checked by userret(9) when returning to user-mode execution. o Post an asynchronous software trap (AST). o Send an inter processor interrupt to wake up cpu_idle(9). SEE ALSO
sched_4bsd(9), userret(9) BSD
July 31, 2010 BSD

Check Out this Related Man Page

CPU_SWITCHTO(9) 					   BSD Kernel Developer's Manual					   CPU_SWITCHTO(9)

cpu_switchto -- machine-dependent LWP context switching interface SYNOPSIS
#include <sys/cpu.h> lwp_t * cpu_switchto(lwp_t *oldlwp, lwp_t *newlwp, bool returning); DESCRIPTION
The cpu_switchto() function saves the context of the LWP which is currently running on the processor, and restores the context of the LWP specified by newlwp. Remarks: 1. cpu_switchto() does not switch address spaces. 2. cpu_switchto() sets curlwp(9) to newlwp. If the architecture does non-interlocked adaptive mutex release, cpu_switchto() does an equivalent of membar_producer(3), before and after the modification of curlwp(9). 3. cpu_switchto() should be called at IPL_SCHED. When the function returns, the caller should lower the priority level as soon as possible. 4. cpu_switchto() might be called with spin mutexes held. The function takes the following arguments. oldlwp Specify the LWP from which the switch is going to be made, i.e., the calling LWP. If it was NULL, the context of the LWP currently running on this processor is not saved. newlwp Specify the LWP to which to switch. It must not be NULL. returning Only meaningful if the architecture implements fast software interrupts. If true, it indicates that oldlwp is a soft interrupt LWP that is blocking. It is a good indication that any kind of address space or user activity can be completely ignored. For example: ras_lookup(9), cache flushes, TLB wirings, adjusting lazy FPU state. All that is required is to restore the register state and stack, and return to the interrupted LWP. RETURN VALUES
The cpu_switchto() function does not return until another LWP calls cpu_switchto(). It returns the oldlwp argument of the cpu_switchto() which is called to switch back to our LWP. It is either a LWP which called cpu_switchto() to switch to us or NULL in case the LWP was exit- ing. SEE ALSO
membar_producer(3), swapcontext(3), intro(9), mutex(9), spl(9) BSD
June 2, 2011 BSD
Man Page

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