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svhlabel(8) [netbsd man page]

SVHLABEL(8)						    BSD System Manager's Manual 					       SVHLABEL(8)

svhlabel -- update disk label from SGI Volume Header SYNOPSIS
svhlabel [-fqrw] device DESCRIPTION
svhlabel is used to update a NetBSD disk label from the Silicon Graphics Volume Header on disks that were previously used on IRIX systems. svhlabel scans the Volume Header contained in the first blocks of the disk and generates additional partition entries for the disk from the entries found. Each Volume Header entry which does not have an equivalent partition in the disk label (equivalent in having the same size and offset) is added to the first free partition slot in the disk label. A free partition slot is defined as one with an fstype of 'unused' and a size of zero ('0'). If there are not enough free slots in the disk label, a warning will be issued. The raw partition (typically partition c, but d on i386 and some other platforms) is left alone during this process. By default, the proposed changed disk label will be displayed and no disk label update will occur. Available options: -f Force an update, even if there has been no change. -q Performs operations in a quiet fashion. -r In conjunction with -w, also update the on-disk label. You probably do not want to do this. -w Update the in-core label if it has been changed. SEE ALSO
disklabel(8), dkctl(8), mount_efs(8), sgivol(8) HISTORY
The svhlabel command appeared in NetBSD 5.0. BSD
February 26, 2007 BSD

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extendfs(8)						      System Manager's Manual						       extendfs(8)

extendfs - Extends UFS file systems SYNOPSIS
/sbin/extendfs [- s] [disk_blocks] device_name DESCRIPTION
Use the extendfs command to increase the storage space in a UFS file system. The file system must not be mounted when you perform this operation. To extend a mounted (in use) UFS file system, use the mount command with the -o extend option. The procedure for increasing the storage space of a UFS file system is as follows: Look at the contents the /etc/fstab file to identify the disk partition that maps to the file system. Ensure that there is available storage space on the target disk as follows: If LSM is in use on your system, use LSM commands to increase the size of the LSM volume as described in the Logical Storage Manager guide. If LSM is not in use on your system, use the disklabel command or the diskconfig graphical user interface to check the current size and use of partitions on the disk. If there is adequate space on an adjacent partition, use the disklabel command to write the current label to a file as fol- lows: # disklabel -r dsk4 > d4label Edit the disklabel file to change the size of the partition on which your UFS file system resides. Increase the number of disk blocks on the partition and decrease the disk block size of the adjacent partition by an equivalent number. Use the disklabel command with the -R option to write the revised label to the raw disk as follows: # disklabel -R /dev/rdisk/dsk4 d4label When the disk label is revised, extend the file system using the extendfs command. You can either use the full extent of the newly sized partition or extend the file system in stages. The following example commands show both methods. To extend the file system to use all the available space, you specify the disk partition on which the file system resides, as follows: # extendfs /dev/disk/dsk4g To extend the file system to use only part of the available space, you specify a number of disk blocks, as follows: # extendfs -s 300000 /dev/disk/dsk4g The remainder of the extended partion is reserved for future use. You can extend a file system as many times as necessary, up to the physical limit of the storage device. When no more space is available on the storage device, you must back up the file system using the dump command and restore the file system to a storage device that has more available space. Once you have extended a file system, the operation cannot be reversed except by a back up and restore operation. Use the dump command to back up the file system. You can then reset the partition sizes manually and restore the file system to the storage device. ERRORS
The disklabel command produces output similar to that of the newfs command. If a list of disk blocks is not displayed on the terminal, the command has failed. Verify the partition settings and the mount status of the target file system. The disklabel command does not permit you to overwrite a partition if it is in use. Refer to the disklabel(8) reference page for more information on label errors. FILES
Specifies the command path. RELATED INFORMATION
diskconfig(8), disklabel(8), mount(8), and fstab(4). extendfs(8)
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