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sti(8) [netbsd man page]

STI(8)							    BSD System Manager's Manual 						    STI(8)

sti -- Simulate Terminal Input: send characters to a tty device SYNOPSIS
sti tty [string ...] DESCRIPTION
sti will send the provided string to the tty specified in the command line using ioctl(2) TIOCSTI, or send the standard input if no string is supplied. This ioctl(2) is limited to the superuser. The string is interpreted using unvis(3). SEE ALSO
ioctl(2), unvis(3) HISTORY
The sti first appeared at NetBSD 4.0. AUTHORS
The sti command was written by Christos Zoulas <>. BSD
November 10, 2005 BSD

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tapset::tty(3stap)														tapset::tty(3stap)

tapset::tty - systemtap tty tapset DESCRIPTION Called when a tty is opened See for details. tty.release Called when the tty is closed See probe::tty.release(3stap) for details. tty.resize Called when a terminal resize happens See probe::tty.resize(3stap) for details. tty.ioctl called when a ioctl is request to the tty See probe::tty.ioctl(3stap) for details. tty.init Called when a tty is being initalized See probe::tty.init(3stap) for details. tty.register Called when a tty device is registred See probe::tty.register(3stap) for details. tty.unregister Called when a tty device is being unregistered See probe::tty.unregister(3stap) for details. tty.poll Called when a tty device is being polled See probe::tty.poll(3stap) for details. tty.receive called when a tty receives a message See probe::tty.receive(3stap) for details. tty.write write to the tty line See probe::tty.write(3stap) for details. called when a tty line will be read See for details. SEE ALSO, probe::tty.release(3stap), probe::tty.resize(3stap), probe::tty.ioctl(3stap), probe::tty.init(3stap), probe::tty.register(3stap), probe::tty.unregister(3stap), probe::tty.poll(3stap), probe::tty.receive(3stap), probe::tty.write(3stap),, stap(1), stapprobes(3stap) IBM
--- tapset::tty(3stap)
Man Page

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