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pvscan(8) [netbsd man page]

PVSCAN(8)						      System Manager's Manual							 PVSCAN(8)

pvscan - scan all disks for physical volumes SYNOPSIS
pvscan [-d|--debug] [-e|--exported] [-h|--help] [--ignorelockingfailure] [-n|--novolumegroup] [-s|--short] [-u|--uuid] [-v[v]|--verbose [--verbose]] DESCRIPTION
pvscan scans all supported LVM block devices in the system for physical volumes. OPTIONS
See lvm for common options. -e, --exported Only show physical volumes belonging to exported volume groups. -n, --novolumegroup Only show physical volumes not belonging to any volume group. -s, --short Short listing format. -u, --uuid Show UUIDs (Uniform Unique Identifiers) in addition to device special names. SEE ALSO
lvm(8), pvcreate(8), pvdisplay(8) Sistina Software UK LVM TOOLS 2.02.44-cvs (02-17-09) PVSCAN(8)

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PVSCAN(8)						      System Manager's Manual							 PVSCAN(8)

pvscan - scan all disks for physical volumes SYNOPSIS
pvscan [-d|--debug] [-h|--help] [-v|--verbose] [--version] [--ignorelockingfailure] [-e|--exported] [-n|--novolumegroup] [-s|--short] [-u|--uuid] pvscan [-d|--debug] [-h|--help] --cache [--major major --minor minor | DevicePath ] ... DESCRIPTION
pvscan scans all supported LVM block devices in the system for physical volumes. OPTIONS
See lvm(8) for common options. -e, --exported Only show physical volumes belonging to exported volume groups. -n, --novolumegroup Only show physical volumes not belonging to any volume group. -s, --short Short listing format. -u, --uuid Show UUIDs (Uniform Unique Identifiers) in addition to device special names. --cache [ --major major --minor minor | DevicePath ] ... Scan one or more devices and instruct the lvmetad daemon to update its cached state accordingly. Called internally by udev rules. All devices listed explicitly are processed regardless of any device filters set in lvm.conf. SEE ALSO
lvm(8), pvcreate(8), pvdisplay(8) Sistina Software UK LVM TOOLS 2.02.95(2) (2012-03-06) PVSCAN(8)
Man Page

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Not able to redirect pvscan output on OEL

Hi, I'm not able to redirect output of pvscan and vgscan commands to a file in Oracle Enterprise Linux. Please suggest something. Thanks Mayank (0 Replies)
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2. UNIX for Advanced & Expert Users

In OEL, Not able to redirect pvscan output

hi, In Oracle Enterprise Linux I'm not able to redirect output of commands pvscan and vgscan into a file. File is coming blank Please suggest something Thanx. --duplicate post (0 Replies)
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3. Filesystems, Disks and Memory

in Oracle Enterprise Linux not able to redirect pvscan output

hi, In Oracle Enterprise Linux I'm not able to redirect output of commands pvscan and vgscan into a file. File is coming blank Please suggest something Thanx. (1 Reply)
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4. Linux

In Oracle Enterprise Linux, not able redirect pvscan output

Hi, I'm not able to redirect output of ovscan and vgscan commands to a file in Oracle Enterprise Linux. Please suggest something. Thanks Mayank (1 Reply)
Discussion started by: discover
1 Replies