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pam_nologin(8) [netbsd man page]

PAM_NOLOGIN(8)						    BSD System Manager's Manual 					    PAM_NOLOGIN(8)

pam_nologin -- NoLogin PAM module SYNOPSIS
[service-name] module-type control-flag pam_nologin [options] DESCRIPTION
The NoLogin authentication service module for PAM provides functionality for only one PAM category: authentication. In terms of the module-type parameter, this is the ``auth'' feature. It also provides a null function for session management. NoLogin Authentication Module The NoLogin authentication component (pam_sm_authenticate()), always returns success for the superuser, and returns success for all other users if the file /etc/nologin does not exist. If /etc/nologin does exist, then its contents are echoed to non-superusers before failure is returned. If a "nologin" capability is specified in login.conf(5), then the file thus specified is used instead. This usually defaults to /etc/nologin. The following options may be passed to the authentication module: debug syslog(3) debugging information at LOG_DEBUG level. no_warn suppress warning messages to the user. These messages include reasons why the user's authentication attempt was declined. SEE ALSO
syslog(3), login.conf(5), pam.conf(5), nologin(8), pam(8) BSD
July 8, 2001 BSD

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PAM_NOLOGIN(8)							 Linux-PAM Manual						    PAM_NOLOGIN(8)

pam_nologin - Prevent non-root users from login SYNOPSIS [file=/path/nologin] [successok] DESCRIPTION
pam_nologin is a PAM module that prevents users from logging into the system when /var/run/nologin or /etc/nologin exists. The contents of the file are displayed to the user. The pam_nologin module has no effect on the root user's ability to log in. OPTIONS
file=/path/nologin Use this file instead the default /var/run/nologin or /etc/nologin. successok Return PAM_SUCCESS if no file exists, the default is PAM_IGNORE. MODULE TYPES PROVIDED
The auth and acct module types are provided. RETURN VALUES
PAM_AUTH_ERR The user is not root and /etc/nologin exists, so the user is not permitted to log in. PAM_BUF_ERR Memory buffer error. PAM_IGNORE This is the default return value. PAM_SUCCESS Success: either the user is root or the nologin file does not exist. PAM_USER_UNKNOWN User not known to the underlying authentication module. EXAMPLES
The suggested usage for /etc/pam.d/login is: auth required NOTES
In order to make this module effective, all login methods should be secured by it. It should be used as a required method listed before any sufficient methods in order to get standard Unix nologin semantics. Note, the use of successok module argument causes the module to return PAM_SUCCESS and as such would break such a configuration - failing sufficient modules would lead to a successful login because the nologin module succeeded. SEE ALSO
nologin(5), pam.conf(5), pam.d(5), pam(8) AUTHOR
pam_nologin was written by Michael K. Johnson <>. Linux-PAM Manual 09/19/2013 PAM_NOLOGIN(8)
Man Page

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