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pac(8) [netbsd man page]

PAC(8)							    BSD System Manager's Manual 						    PAC(8)

pac -- printer/plotter accounting information SYNOPSIS
pac [-cmrs] [-P printer] [-p price] [name ...] DESCRIPTION
pac reads the printer/plotter accounting files, accumulating the number of pages (the usual case) or feet (for raster devices) of paper con- sumed by each user, and printing out how much each user consumed in pages or feet and dollars. Options and operands available: -Pprinter Accounting is done for the named printer. Normally, accounting is done for the default printer (site dependent) or the value of the environment variable PRINTER is used. -c flag causes the output to be sorted by cost; usually the output is sorted alphabetically by name. -m flag causes the host name to be ignored in the accounting file. This allows for a user on multiple machines to have all of his printing charges grouped together. -pprice The value price is used for the cost in dollars instead of the default value of 0.02 or the price specified in /etc/printcap. -r Reverse the sorting order. -s Accounting information is summarized on the summary accounting file; this summarization is necessary since on a busy system, the accounting file can grow by several lines per day. names Statistics are only printed for user(s) name; usually, statistics are printed for every user who has used any paper. OUTPUT FORMAT
pac formats the output into simple table, using four columns - number of feets or pages (column "pages/feet"), how many copies were made (column "runs"), total price for this print (column "price") and user login with host name (column "login" or "host name and login"). If argument name was not used and hence pac is printing information for all users, a summary line with print totals (runs, pages, price) is appended. Note that pac on other system might print the price as price per copy. FILES
/var/account/?acct raw accounting files /var/account/?_sum summary accounting files /etc/printcap printer capability data base SEE ALSO
printcap(5) HISTORY
The pac command appeared in 4.0BSD. BUGS
The relationship between the computed price and reality is as yet unknown. BSD
June 6, 1993 BSD

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ln10jaof(8)						      System Manager's Manual						       ln10jaof(8)

ln10jaof - Filter for the Japanese DEClaser 2400 printer SYNOPSIS
/usr/lbin/ln10jaof [-c] [-h host] [-i indent] [-l length] [-L locale] [-n login] [-w width] [accounting_file] OPTIONS
Prints control characters. Specifies the host name of the job owner. This name can contain Japanese characters. Specifies the amount of indentation. The default value is no (no indentation). Specifies the page length in lines. The default value is 66. Specifies the printer codeset. This value must be a valid locale name. The default value is ja_JP.deckanji. Specifies the login name of the job owner. This name can contain Japanese characters. Specifies the page width in columns. The default value is 132. OPERANDS
Specifies the file to record accounting information. DESCRIPTION
The ln10jaof filter is used to filter text data for the DEClaser 2400 printer. The filter handles the device dependencies of the printer and performs accounting functions. At print job completion times, accounting records are written to the file specified by the af field in the /etc/printcap file. The ln10jaof filter can handle plain text files and files that have been preprocessed by nroff. The filter translates nroff control sequences for underlining, superscripting, and subscripting into the proper control sequences for the DEClaser 2400 printer. The ln10jaof filter can be the specified filter in both the of and the if fields in the /etc/printcap file. For a description of these fields, see printcap(4). The DEClaser 2400 printer can be configured to use the software on-demand loading (SoftODL) mechanism to print user-defined characters (UDCs). See i18n_printing(5) for a description of SoftODL. To enable SoftODL printing, set the ys field in /etc/printcap to 256. You can also set the default SoftODL database, style, and size by using the odldb and odlstyle options of the ya field. If you specify a value for the yt field, use fifo. For more information on these fields and associated options, refer to printcap(4). NOTES
The lpr command supports a number of options and associated arguments to enable localization features supported by various printers. The following can be used with the ln10jaof print filter: To specify the SoftODL database path To specify SoftODL font style and size For a complete description of the -A option and its arguments, refer to lpr(1). ERRORS
The lf field (default value is /dev/null) in the /etc/printcap file specifies the name of the error log. SEE ALSO
Commands: lpr(1), pr(1), lpd(8), pac(8) Files: printcap(4) Others: i18n_printing(5) ln10jaof(8)
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