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mrinfo(8) [netbsd man page]

MRINFO(8)						      System Manager's Manual							 MRINFO(8)

mrinfo - Displays configuration info from a multicast router SYNOPSIS
/usr/sbin/mrinfo [ -d debug_level ] [ -r retry_count ] [ -t timeout_count ] multicast_router DESCRIPTION
mrinfo attempts to display the configuration information from the multicast router multicast_router. mrinfo uses the ASK_NEIGHBORS IGMP message to the specified multicast router. If this multicast router responds, the version number and a list of their neighboring multicast router addresses is part of that response. If the responding router has a recent multicast version num- ber, then mrinfo requests additional information such as metrics, thresholds, and flags from the multicast router. Once the specified mul- ticast router responds, the configuration is displayed to the standard output. INVOCATION
"-d" option sets the debug level. When the debug level is greater than the default value of 0, addition debugging messages are printed. Regardless of the debug level, an error condition, will always write an error message and will cause mrinfo to terminate. Non-zero debug levels have the following effects: level 1 packet warnings are printed to stderr. level 2 all level 1 messages plus notifications down networks are printed to stderr. level 3 all level 2 messages plus notifications of all packet timeouts are printed to stderr. "-r retry_count" sets the neighbor query retry limit. Default is 3 retry. "-t timeout_count" sets the number of seconds to wait for a neighbor query reply. Default timeout is 4 seconds. SAMPLE OUTPUT
mrinfo ( [version 3.3]: - (?) [1/1/querier] - ( [1/45/tunnel] - ( [1/32/tunnel/down] - ( [1/32/tunnel] For each neighbor of the queried multicast router, the IP of the queried router is displayed, followed by the IP and name of the neighbor. In square brackets the metric (cost of connection), the threshold (multicast ttl) is displayed. If the queried multicast router has a newer version number, the type (tunnel, srcrt) and status (disabled, down) of the connection is displayed. IMPORTANT NOTE
mrinfo must be run as root. SEE ALSO
mrouted(8), map-mbone(8), mtrace(8) AUTHOR
Van Jacobson 4.2 Berkeley Distribution MRINFO(8)

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mrinfo(1M)																mrinfo(1M)

mrinfo - Multicast Routing Configuration Information Tool SYNOPSIS
debuglevel] retries] timeout] [ multicast-router ] DESCRIPTION
requests the configuration information from the multicast-ourter, and prints the information to the standard out. multicast-router can be either an IP address or a system name. sends out the ASK_NEIGHBORS igmp message to the specified multicast-router, when the router receives the request, it sends back its configuration information. If the multicast-router is not specified, the request is sent the local router. The the configuration information for each interface is printed in the following format: If there are multiple neighbor routers on one interface, they will all be reported on the output. The possible values for flag are: Neighbors are reached via tunnel. The tunnel uses IP source routing. The interface is down. The interface is administratively disabled for multicast routing. The local router is the querier of the subnet. Please see mrouted(1M) for and The command line options are: Sets the level for printing out the debug message. The default is 0, only error and warning messages will be printed. Debug level three prints most the messages. Sets the retry times to pull the routing daemon for information. The default is 3. Specifies the timeout value in seconds for waiting the reply. The default value is 4. EXAMPLE
The following is an example of quering the multicasting configuration from the local routing daemon. (localhost) [version 3.3]: -> ( [10/1/querier] -> (all-zeros-broadcast) [1/1/disabled] -> ( [10/1/tunnel] -> ( [10/1/tunnel/down] Note must be run as root. AUTHOR
was developed by Van Jacobson. SEE ALSO
mrouted(1M), map-mbone(1M). mrinfo(1M)
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