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mount_udf(8) [netbsd man page]

MOUNT_UDF(8)						    BSD System Manager's Manual 					      MOUNT_UDF(8)

mount_udf -- mount an UDF file system SYNOPSIS
mount_udf [-c] [-g gid] [-o options] [-t gmtoff] [-s session] [-u uid] special node DESCRIPTION
The mount_udf command attaches the UDF file system residing on the specified special device node on the location indicated with node. Anonymous files stored on the UDF disc will be represented and saved in the specified uid:gid pair. If unspecified, it will default to nobody:nobody. Both uid and gid can be either specified with their names as with their numerical equivalents. -c Close the session after unmount creating remountable snapshots. Closing a session also allows -ROM devices to read the disc cre- ated. Note that this option only makes sense when mounting sequential recordable media like CD-R and DVD*R. -g gid Set the group of anonymous files on the file system. The default group is the nobody group. -o options Use the specified mount options as specified in mount(8). -s session Select the session session to be mounted instead of the default last one. Implements readonly snapshots on sequential media. Positive session values indicate an absolute session number. Negative session values are relative to the last session found on the disc. Note that this option only makes sense when mounting sequential recordable media like CD-R and DVD*R. -t gmtoff Set the time zone offset (in seconds) from UTC to gmtoff, with positive values indicating east of the Prime Meridian. If not set, the user's current time zone will be used. -u uid Set the owner of anonymous files on the file system. The default owner is the user nobody. SEE ALSO
mount(2), vnd(4), fstab(5), mount(8), umount(8), vnconfig(8) NOTES
UDF is a file system defined by the OSTA standardization group and is tailored for data interchange on optical discs (like CDs and DVDs) between different operating systems. Its also more and more common on other media like Compact Flash (CF) cards. Read and write access is supported for all media types that CD/DVD type drives can recognise including DVD-RAM. BluRay support is prelimi- nary; read-only access should work fine but write support is experimental. Implemented and tested media types are CD-ROM, CD-R, CD-RW, CD-MRW, DVD-ROM, DVD*R, DVD*RW, DVD+MRW, DVD-RAM but the same code can also read HD-DVD and BluRay discs. Discs created and written by UDFclient, Nero's InCD, and Roxio's DirectCD/Drag2Disc can be read without problems. Both open and closed media are supported so there is no need to close discs or sessions. All current UDF versions up to version 2.60 are supported. Hard disk partitions and vnd(4) devices may also be mounted. Note when mounting a vnd(4) device it might be necessary to specify the file image sector size in the geomspec when creating the vnd(4) device or the disc sector size will be used. BUGS
Write support for UDF version 2.50 is not completely mature and UDF version 2.01 should be used if possible; this is also the default format. Due to lack of test media and recording devices, BluRay support and in particular BluRay-R is still preliminary as of writing. BSD
July 13, 2009 BSD

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NEWFS_UDF(8)						    BSD System Manager's Manual 					      NEWFS_UDF(8)

newfs_udf -- construct a new UDF file system. SYNOPSIS
newfs_udf [-Ndeouw] [-b block-size] [-D defect-file-name] [--dup-meta-part-file] [-E ecc-in-blks] [--enc encoding-name] [-v vol-name] [-m media-type] [--meta-part-alloc-unit n] [--meta-part-align-unit n] [--meta-part-init-size n] [-p packet-size] [-r rev] [-s size] [-S start-block-address] [--spare-blks n] [-t access-type] [--unalloc-spc blk-addr num-blks] [--wipefs yes|no] [--userid uid] [-U uid] [--groupid gid] [-G gid] special DESCRIPTION
The newfs_udf command builds the UDF filesystem on the specified special device. The options are as follows: General options: -N Causes the file system parameters to be printed out without really creating the file system. -w Stop processing on warnings, default: no --wipefs yes|no Whether wipe existing file systems on the volume before formatting it. Default: wipe existing file systems when media-type is block device (blk), access-type is overwrite (ow), and the Keep Disc Open option (-o) is not specified; do not wipe existing file systems by default in all other cases. --largesparse Format the volume to use a non UDF-compliant format to efficiently support very large sparse files (up to 2^63 - 1, or 9,223,372,036,854,775,807 bytes). Sparse files on this volume that has holes larger than 1GB cannot be accessed by other UDF imple- mentations. Disc properties: -b block-size The block size of the file system, in bytes, default: the native block size of the device, or 2048 for an image file -d The file system manages defects by creating a sparable partition, default: no -e Use extended file entry instead of file entry, default: no -E ecc-in-blks ECC block size in number of blocks -m media-type The type of the media, can be blk (block device), var-packet (varible size packet writing), fix-packet (fixed size packet writing), or pow (pseudo overwrite), default: blk -t access-type The access type of the partition, can be wo (writeonce), ow (overwrite), or pow (pseudo overwrite), default: ow -o Keep the disc as open by only writing the first AVDP (e.g., background formating haven't finish, so the write of the last two AVDPs is not possible), default: close the disc for overwrite media, and keep it open for write once media -p packet-size The size of a packet in number of blocks, default: 1 -s size Size of the file system in blocks, default: size of the device UDF parameters: General: -r rev UDF version number, can be 1.02, 1.50, 2.00, 2.01, 2.50, or 2.60, default: 2.01 -u Creates unique id table (or unique id stream), default: no --unalloc-spc blk-addr num-blks Unallocated space recorded in unallocated space descriptor, default: no unallocated spc -v vol-name Volume identifier, max 127 ascii or 63 unicode chars, default: "Untitled UDF Volume" --enc encoding-name The character encoding of the volume name, can be "utf8" or "utf16", default: utf8 Virtual partitions (for CD-R, DVD-R SL/DL, DVD+R SL/DL, and HD DVD-R SL/DL): -S start-block-address The start block address of the last session. Newfs_udf will search for this value for optical media Sparable partitions (for CD-RW, DVD-RW, and DVD+RW): --spare-blks n Total number of sparing blocks (2 sparing tables are always used), default: 128 -D defect-file-name The name of the file containing all defect blocks. This file is a text file, contains the physical block address of the media that has defects. When one block of a packet is defective, the whole packet is marked as defective. The block numbers in the file is delimited by space. Multiple numbers can be on the same line. Metadata partitions (for BD-R with POW, BD-RE and other overwritable media with UDF 2.50 or higher ): --dup-meta-part-file Duplicate the content of the metadata file in the metadata mirror file, default: no --meta-part-alloc-unit n The allocation unit size of the metadata partition in number of blocks, default: max(32, eccSizeInBlks, packetSize) --meta-part-align-unit n The alignment unit size of the metadata partition in number of blocks, default: max(eccSizeInBlks, packetSize) --meta-part-init-size n The initial size of the metadata partition in number of blocks, default: 32 --userid uid or -U uid Use the specified uid (numeric value only) as the owner of the root directory. --groupid gid or -G gid Use the specified gid (numeric value only) as the group of the root directory. SEE ALSO
newfs(8) BUGS
Unallocated space is not supported yet. HISTORY
The newfs_udf utility first appeared in Mac OS X Leopard (10.5.0). Mac OS July 12, 2005 Mac OS
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