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makemandb(8) [netbsd man page]

MAKEMANDB(8)						    BSD System Manager's Manual 					      MAKEMANDB(8)

makemandb -- parse the manual pages and build a search index over them SYNOPSIS
makemandb [-floQqv] [-C path] DESCRIPTION
The makemandb utility traverses the directories containing man pages, parses the manual pages with the help of libmandoc and builds an Sqlite database man.db to support full text searches. It obtains the list of directories to traverse using the -path and -p options of man(1). It supports the following options: -C path Use different man(1) configuration file than the default, /etc/man.conf. -f Force rebuilding the index from scratch, pruning the existing one. -l Limit the parsing to only the NAME section of the pages. This option can be used to mimic the behavior of the classic apropos(1) and also to substantially save disk space. -o Use this option to optimize the index for speed and also to significantly reduce disk space usage. This is a somewhat expensive operation. -Q Print only fatal error messages (i.e., when the database is left in an inconsistent state and needs manual intervention). -q Print only warnings and error messages but no status updates. -v Enable verbose output. This prints the name of every file being parsed and a summary at the end of the index update. As the database file is stored under /var/db, root privileges are required to run makemandb. DATABASE SCHEMA The name of the FTS table is mandb and its schema is as follows: section The section number of the page name The name of the page from the NAME section. name_desc The one line description from the NAME section. desc The DESCRIPTION section. lib The LIBRARY section. return_vals The RETURN VALUES section. env The ENVIRONMENT section. files The FILES section. exit_status The EXIT STATUS section. diagnostics The DIAGNOSTICS section. errors The ERRORS section. md5_hash MD5 checksum of the man page. machine The machine architecture (if any) for which the man page is relevant. FILES
/var/db/man.db The Sqlite FTS database which contains an index of the manual pages. SEE ALSO
apropos(1), man(1), whatis(1), man.conf(5) AUTHORS
Abhinav Upadhyay BSD
August 29, 2012 BSD

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mandb - create or update the manual page index caches SYNOPSIS
mandb [-dqsucpt?V] [-C file] [manpath] mandb [-dqsut] [-C file] -f filename ... DESCRIPTION
mandb is used to initialise or manually update index database caches that are usually maintained by man. The caches contain information relevant to the current state of the manual page system and the information stored within them is used by the man-db utilities to enhance their speed and functionality. When creating or updating an index, mandb will warn of bad ROFF .so requests, bogus manual page filenames and manual pages from which the whatis cannot be parsed. Supplying mandb with an optional colon-delimited path will override the internal system manual page hierarchy search path, determined from information found within the man-db configuration file. DATABASE CACHES
mandb can be compiled with support for any one of the following database types. Name Type Async Filename ------------------------------------------------------------- Berkeley db Binary tree Yes GNU gdbm Hashed Yes index.db UNIX ndbm Hashed No index.(dir|pag) Those database types that support asynchronous updates provide enhanced speed at the cost of possible corruption in the event of unusual termination. In an unusual case where this has occurred, it may be necessary to rerun mandb with the -c option to re-create the databases from scratch. OPTIONS
-d, --debug Print debugging information. -q, --quiet Produce no warnings. -s, --no-straycats Do not spend time looking for or adding information to the databases regarding stray cats. -p, --no-purge Do not spend time checking for deleted manual pages and purging them from the databases. -c, --create By default, mandb will try to update any previously created databases. If a database does not exist, it will create it. This option forces mandb to delete previous databases and re-create them from scratch, and implies --no-purge. This may be necessary if a database becomes corrupt or if a new database storage scheme is introduced in the future. -u, --user-db Create user databases only, even with write permissions necessary to create system databases. -t, --test Perform correctness checks on manual pages in the hierarchy search path. With this option, mandb will not alter existing databases. -f, --filename Update only the entries for the given filename. This option is not for general use; it is used internally by man when it has been compiled with the MAN_DB_UPDATES option and finds that a page is out of date. It implies -p and disables -c and -s. -C file, --config-file=file Use this user configuration file rather than the default of ~/.manpath. -?, --help Show the usage message, then exit. --usage Print a short usage message and exit. -V, --version Show the version, then exit. EXIT STATUS
0 Successful program execution. 1 Usage, syntax, or configuration file error. 2 Operational error. 3 A child process failed. DIAGNOSTICS
The following warning messages can be emitted during database building. <filename>: whatis parse for page(sec) failed An attempt to extract whatis line(s) from the given <filename> failed. This is usually due to a poorly written manual page, but if many such messages are emitted it is likely that the system contains non-standard manual pages which are incompatible with the man- db whatis parser. See the WHATIS PARSING section in lexgrog(1) for more information. <filename>: is a dangling symlink <filename> does not exist but is referenced by a symbolic link. Further diagnostics are usually emitted to identify the <filename> of the offending link. <filename>: bad symlink or ROFF `.so' request <filename> is either a symbolic link to, or contains a ROFF include request to, a non existent file. <filename>: ignoring bogus filename The <filename> may or may not be a valid manual page but its name is invalid. This is usually due to a manual page with sectional extension <x> being put in manual page section <y>. <filename_mask>: competing extensions The wildcard <filename_mask> is not unique. This is usually caused by the existence of both a compressed and uncompressed version of the same manual page. All but the most recent are ignored. FILES
/etc/manpath.config man-db configuration file. /var/cache/man/index.(bt|db|dir|pag) An FHS compliant global index database cache. Older locations for the database cache included: /usr/man/index.(bt|db|dir|pag) A traditional global index database cache. /var/catman/index.(bt|db|dir|pag) An alternate or FSSTND compliant global index database cache. SEE ALSO
lexgrog(1), man(1), manpath(5), catman(8) The WHATIS PARSING section formerly in this manual page is now part of lexgrog(1). AUTHOR
Wilf. ( Fabrizio Polacco ( Colin Watson ( 2.8.3 2018-04-05 MANDB(8)
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