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iscsid(8) [netbsd man page]

ISCSID(8)						    BSD System Manager's Manual 						 ISCSID(8)

iscsid -- interface to kernel iSCSI driver SYNOPSIS
iscsid [-n] [-d lvl] DESCRIPTION
The iSCSI initiator runs as a kernel driver, and provides access to iSCSI targets running across a network using the iSCSI protocol, RFC 3720. The iscsid utility itself interfaces to the kernel iSCSI driver, and also communicates, using isns(3), with the iSCSI name service running on other hosts to locate services and iSCSI instances. In normal operation, iscsid is a standard daemon, and will detach from the controlling terminal using daemon(3) and then loops, reading requests, processing them, and sending responses. Communication takes place over a Unix domain socket. iscsid exits on receiving a terminate message, (no response to one that is sent to the kernel), or when an error occurs reading from or writing to the socket. The -d flag increases the debug level to lvl. Any level above 0 causes iscsid to remain in the foreground, and increases the amount of debug output. The -n flag makes the daemon single-threaded. It is envisaged that user-level communication take place with iscsid using the iscsictl(8) utility, rather than directly over its communica- tion socket. An example of setting up the in-kernel iSCSI initiator is shown in iscsictl(8). SEE ALSO
daemon(3), isns(3), iscsictl(8) HISTORY
The iscsid utility appeared in NetBSD 6.0. AUTHORS
Alistair Crooks <> wrote this manual page. The iscsid utility was contributed by Wasabi Systems, Inc. BSD
May 27, 2012 BSD

Check Out this Related Man Page

ISCSID(8)						   Linux Administrator's Manual 						 ISCSID(8)

iscsid - Open-iSCSI daemon SYNOPSIS
The iscsid implements the control path of iSCSI protocol, plus some management facilities. For example, the daemon could be configured to automatically re-start discovery at startup, based on the contents of persistent iSCSI database. OPTIONS
[-c|--config=]config-file Read configuration from config-file rather than the default /etc/iscsi/iscsid.conf file. [-i|--initiatorname=]iname-file Read initiator name from iname-file rather than the default /etc/iscsi/initiatorname.iscsi file. [-f|--foreground] run iscsid in the foreground. [-d|--debug=]debug_level print debugging information. Valid values for debug_level are 0 to 8. [-u|--uid=]uid run under user ID uid (default is the current user ID) [-g|--gid=]gid run under user group ID gid (default is the current user group ID). [-n|--no-pid-file] do not write a process ID file. [-p|--pid=]pid-file write process ID to pid-file rather than the default /var/run/ [-h|--help] display this help and exit [-v|--version] display version and exit. FILES
/etc/iscsi/iscsid.conf The configuration file read by iscsid and iscsiadm on startup. /etc/iscsi/initiatorname.iscsi The file containing the iSCSI initiatorname and initiatoralias read by iscsid and iscsiadm on startup. /etc/iscsi/nodes Open-iSCSI persistent configuration database SEE ALSO
iscsiadm(8) AUTHORS
Open-iSCSI project <> Alex Aizman <> Dmitry Yusupov <> July 2005 ISCSID(8)
Man Page

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