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dmctl(8) [netbsd man page]

DMCTL(8)						    BSD System Manager's Manual 						  DMCTL(8)

dmctl -- manipulate device-mapper driver command SYNOPSIS
dmctl works with the device-mapper kernel driver. It can send and receive information and commands from the dm driver. version Print driver and lib version. targets List available kernel targets. create Create device with [dm device name]. ls List existing dm devices. info Get info about device with [dm device name]. rename Rename device with [dm device name] to [dm device new name]. remove Remove device with [dm device name]. resume Resume IO on dm device [dm device name]. suspend Suspend IO on dm device [dm device name]. deps Print physical dependiences for dm device [dm device name]. reload Switch active and passive tables for [dm device name]. status Print status for device with [dm device name]. table Print active table for device with [dm device name]. SEE ALSO
dm(3), dm(4) HISTORY
The dmctl was written and contributed to NetBSD by Adam Hamsik and first appeared in NetBSD 6.0. BSD
January 23, 2011 BSD

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CACHE_REPAIR(8) 					      System Manager's Manual						   CACHE_REPAIR(8)

cache_repair - repair cache binary metadata from device/file to device/file SYNOPSIS
cache_repair [options] -i {device|file} -o {device|file} DESCRIPTION
cache_repair reads binary cache metadata created by the respective device-mapper target from one device or file , repairs it and writes it to another device or file. If written to a metadata device , the metadata can be processed by the device-mapper target. -i, --input {device|file} Input file or device with binary metadata. -o, --output {device|file} Output file or device for repaired binary metadata. -h, --help Print help and exit. -V, --version Output version information and exit. EXAMPLE
Reads the binary cache metadata from file metadata , repairs it and writes it to logical volume /dev/vg/metadata for further processing by the respective device-mapper target: cache_repair -i metadata -o /dev/vg/metadata DIAGNOSTICS
cache_repair returns an exit code of 0 for success or 1 for error. SEE ALSO
cache_dump(8) cache_check(8) cache_restore(8) AUTHOR
Joe Thornber <> Heinz Mauelshagen <> Red Hat, Inc. Thin Provisioning Tools CACHE_REPAIR(8)
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