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dev_mkdb(8) [netbsd man page]

DEV_MKDB(8)						    BSD System Manager's Manual 					       DEV_MKDB(8)

dev_mkdb -- create /dev database SYNOPSIS
dev_mkdb [-c] [-o database] [directory] DESCRIPTION
The dev_mkdb command creates a cdbr(3) database in ``/var/run/dev.cdb'' which contains the names of all of the character and block special files in the specified directory, using the file type and the st_rdev field as the key. If no directory is specified, the ``/dev'' directory is used. Keys are a structure containing a mode_t followed by a dev_t, with any padding zero'd out. The former is the type of the file (st_mode & S_IFMT), the latter is the st_rdev field. The options are as follows: -c Create a db(3) database for compatibility with libc versions and statically linked programs from before NetBSD 6.0. The default name is ``/var/run/dev.db''. -o database Put the output databases in the named file. FILES
/dev Device directory. /var/run/dev.db Database file. SEE ALSO
ps(1), stat(2), db(3), devname(3), kvm_nlist(3), ttyname(3), kvm_mkdb(8) HISTORY
The dev_mkdb command appeared in 4.4BSD. BSD
June 1, 2012 BSD

Check Out this Related Man Page

DEVNAME(3)						   BSD Library Functions Manual 						DEVNAME(3)

devname -- get device name LIBRARY
Standard C Library (libc, -lc) SYNOPSIS
#include <sys/stat.h> #include <stdlib.h> char * devname(dev_t dev, mode_t type); char * devname_r(dev_t dev, mode_t type, char *buf, int len); char * fdevname(int fd); char * fdevname_r(int fd, char *buf, int len); DESCRIPTION
The devname() function returns a pointer to the name of the block or character device in /dev with a device number of dev, and a file type matching the one encoded in type which must be one of S_IFBLK or S_IFCHR. To find the right name, devname() asks the kernel via the kern.devname sysctl. If it is unable to come up with a suitable name, it will format the information encapsulated in dev and type in a human-readable format. The fdevname() and fdevname_r() function obtains the device name directly from a file descriptor pointing to a character device. If it is unable to come up with a suitable name, these functions will return a NULL pointer. devname() and fdevname() return the name stored in a static buffer which will be overwritten on subsequent calls. devname_r() and fdevname_r() take a buffer and length as argument to avoid this problem. EXAMPLES
int fd; struct stat buf; char *name; fd = open("/dev/tun"); fstat(fd, &buf); printf("devname is /dev/%s ", devname(buf.st_rdev, S_IFCHR)); printf("fdevname is /dev/%s ", fdevname(fd)); SEE ALSO
stat(2) HISTORY
The devname() function appeared in 4.4BSD. The fdevname() function appeared in FreeBSD 8.0. BSD
February 22, 2005 BSD
Man Page

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