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atrun(8) [netbsd man page]

ATRUN(8)						    BSD System Manager's Manual 						  ATRUN(8)

atrun -- run jobs queued for later execution SYNOPSIS
atrun [-l load_avg] [-d] DESCRIPTION
atrun runs jobs queued by at(1). Root's crontab(5) must contain the line: */10 * * * * root /usr/libexec/atrun so that atrun(8) gets called every ten minutes. At every invocation, every job in lowercase queues whose starting time has passed is started. A maximum of one batch job (denoted by upper- case queues) is started each time atrun is invoked. OPTIONS
-l load_avg Specifies a limiting load factor, over which batch jobs should not be run, instead of the compiled-in value of 1.5. -d Debug; print error messages to standard error instead of using syslog(3). WARNINGS
For atrun to work, you have to start up a cron(8) daemon. FILES
/var/at/spool Directory containing output spool files /var/at/jobs Directory containing job files SEE ALSO
at(1), crontab(1), syslog(3), crontab(5), cron(8) AUTHORS
Thomas Koenig <> BUGS
The functionality of atrun should be merged into cron(8). BSD
April 12, 1995 BSD

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ATD(8)							     Linux Programmer's Manual							    ATD(8)

atd - run jobs queued for later execution SYNOPSIS
atd [-l load_avg] [-b batch_interval] [-d] [-s] DESCRIPTION
atd runs jobs queued by at(1). OPTIONS
-l Specifies a limiting load factor, over which batch jobs should not be run, instead of the compile-time choice of 0.8. For an SMP system with n CPUs, you will probably want to set this higher than n-1. -b Specifiy the minimum interval in seconds between the start of two batch jobs (60 default). -d Debug; print error messages to standard error instead of using syslog(3). -s Process the at/batch queue only once. This is primarily of use for compatibility with old versions of at; atd -s is equivalent to the old atrun command. A script invoking atd -s is installed as /usr/sbin/atrun for backward compatibility. WARNING
atd won't work if its spool directory is mounted via NFS even if no_root_squash is set. FILES
/var/spool/atjobs The directory for storing jobs; this should be mode 700, owner at. /var/spool/atspool The directory for storing output; this should be mode 700, owner at. /etc/at.allow, /etc/at.deny determine who can use the at system. SEE ALSO
at(1), atrun(1), cron(8), crontab(1), syslog(3), at.deny(5), at.allow(5). BUGS
The functionality of atd should be merged into cron(8). local Mar 1997 ATD(8)
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