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worms(6) [netbsd man page]

WORMS(6)							 BSD Games Manual							  WORMS(6)

worms -- animate worms on a display terminal SYNOPSIS
worms [-ft] [-d delay] [-l length] [-n number] DESCRIPTION
A UNIX version of the DEC-2136 program ``worms''. The options are as follows: -f Makes a ``field'' for the worm(s) to eat. -t Makes each worm leave a trail behind it. -d Specifies a delay, in milliseconds, between each update. This is useful for fast terminals. Reasonable values are around 20-200. The default is 0. -l Specifies a length for each worm; the default is 16. -n Specifies the number of worms; the default is 3. BSD
May 31, 1993 BSD

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XScreenSaver(1) 					      General Commands Manual						   XScreenSaver(1)

worm - multicolored worms that crawl around the screen. SYNOPSIS
worm [-display host:display.screen] [-visual visual] [-window] [-root] [-count number] [-delay number] [-ncolors number] [-size number] DESCRIPTION
An ancient hack that draws multicolored worms that crawl around the screen. OPTIONS
-visual visual Specify which visual to use. Legal values are the name of a visual class, or the id number (decimal or hex) of a specific visual. -window Draw on a newly-created window. This is the default. -root Draw on the root window. -count number Count. -100 - 100. Default: -20. -delay number Per-frame delay, in microseconds. Default: 17000 (0.02 seconds.). -ncolors number Number of Colors. Default: 150. -size number Size. -20 - 20. Default: -3. ENVIRONMENT
DISPLAY to get the default host and display number. XENVIRONMENT to get the name of a resource file that overrides the global resources stored in the RESOURCE_MANAGER property. SEE ALSO
X(1), xscreensaver(1) COPYRIGHT
Copyright (C) 2002 by Brad Taylor, Dave Lemke, Boris Putanec, and Henrik Theiling. Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation. No representations are made about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. AUTHOR
Brad Taylor, Dave Lemke, Boris Putanec, and Henrik Theiling. X Version 11 XScreenSaver(1)
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