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wargames(6) [netbsd man page]

WARGAMES(6)							 BSD Games Manual						       WARGAMES(6)

wargames -- shall we play a game? SYNOPSIS
``Shall we play a game?'' -- computer, wargames Just like in the movie, the computer will happily play a game with you. The likelihood of Global Thermonuclear Warfare resulting is much smaller.... SEE ALSO
Wargames, the movie (an MGM production, PG 13, directed by John Badham, 1983). AUTHORS
This manual page was written by Joey Hess <>. BSD
February 22, 1998 BSD

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TENNIX(6)							   Games Manual 							 TENNIX(6)

tennix -- A funny 2D tennis game with network play support SYNOPSIS
tennix [options] DESCRIPTION
tennix is a top-view 2D tennis game. It features a two-player game mode and a single-player mode against the computer. This is the SDL port of a DOS game written in 2003. The original game can still be found on the web at CONTROLS
You can select the controls directly in the menu. Usually, in two-player game mode, player 1 plays using W, S, D, E, F and player 2 plays using O, L, K, I, J. You can also play using mouse, gamepad or Joystick. When using network play, you have to configure your opponent with the input device "Network player", and make sure that the opponent does the same thing (but in reverse). P (Un)pause the game F Switch between windowed and fullscreen mode OPTIONS
-f, --fullscreen Start the game in fullscreen mode -b, --benchmark Start the game in benchmark/attract mode (AI vs AI, auto-start, no menu) -m, --master <IP-of-slave> Network play mode; play as master and send input over to slave via the given IP -s, --slave <IP-of-master> Network play mode; play as slave and send input over to master via the given IP -h, --help Show summary of options HOMEPAGE AUTHOR
The author and current maintainer of Tennix is Thomas Perl ( This manual page was written by Andrea Colangelo ( for the Ubuntu system (but may be used by others). Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU General Public License, Version 2 any later version pub- lished by the Free Software Foundation. On Debian systems, the complete text of the GNU General Public License can be found in /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-2. Tennix 2011 Edition February 2011 TENNIX(6)
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