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LARN(6) 							 BSD Games Manual							   LARN(6)

larn -- exploring the caverns of Larn SYNOPSIS
larn [-chilns] [-o optsfile] [-##] [++] DESCRIPTION
larn is a fantasy games in which your child has contracted a strange disease, and none of your home remedies seem to have any effect. You set out to find a remedy in a limited amount of time, and to collect gold along the way of course! The options are: -c Clear the high scores file. -h Show the command line options. -i Show the high scores, including inventory data. -l Show the log of all games. -n Suppress the welcome message and start the game immediately. -o Read the specified options file instead of ~/.larnopts. -s Show the high scores. -## Set the difficulty (hardness) level. ++ Restore game from the checkpoint (auto-save) file. COMMANDS
These are the movement commands: h move to the left H run left . stay here j move down J run down Z teleport yourself k move up K run up c cast a spell l move to the right L run right r read a scroll y move northwest Y run northwest q quaff a potion u move northeast U run northeast W wear armor b move southwest B run southwest T take off armor n move southeast N run southeast w wield a weapon ^ identify a trap g give present pack weight P give tax status d drop an item i inventory your pockets Q quit the game v print program version S save the game D list all items found ? this help screen A create diagnostic file e eat something (wizards only) OPTIONS FILE
The file ~/.larnopts may be used to set a few options for larn. A sequence of words terminated by whitespace is used to specify options. Word Meaning bold-objects Select bold display of objects. inverse-objects Select inverse video display of objects. no-introduction Do not display intro message. enable-checkpointing Turn on periodic checkpointing. no-beep Disable beeping of the terminal. male Choose your sex to be a man. female Choose your sex to be a woman. name: ``your name'' Choose your playing name. monster: ``monst name'' Choose a name for a monster. savefile: ``save-file-name'' Define what the savegame filename will be. Your name and monster names must be enclosed in double quotation marks and may be up to 34 characters long. Longer names are truncated. Anything enclosed in quotation marks is considered one word, and must be separated from other words by whitespace. SPECIAL NOTES
When dropping gold, if you type '*' as your amount, all your gold gets dropped. In general, typing in '*' means all of what you are inter- ested in. This is true when visiting the bank, or when contributing at altars. You can get out of the store, trading post, school, or home by hitting <esc>. When casting a spell, if you need a list of spells you can cast, type D as the first letter of your spell. The available list of spells will be shown, after which you may enter the spell code. This only works on the 1st letter of the spell you are casting. FILES
/var/games/larn.scores Score file. ~/.larnopts Options file. AUTHORS
Noah Morgan BSD
April 23, 2010 BSD

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ROBOTS(6)							 BSD Games Manual							 ROBOTS(6)

robots -- fight off villainous robots SYNOPSIS
robots [-Asjtan] [scorefile] DESCRIPTION
robots pits you against evil robots, who are trying to kill you (which is why they are evil). Fortunately for you, even though they are evil, they are not very bright and have a habit of bumping into each other, thus destroying themselves. In order to survive, you must get them to kill each other off, since you have no offensive weaponry. Since you are stuck without offensive weaponry, you are endowed with one piece of defensive weaponry: a teleportation device. When two ro- bots run into each other or a junk pile, they die. If a robot runs into you, you die. When a robot dies, you get 10 points, and when all the robots die, you start on the next field. This keeps up until they finally get you. Robots are represented on the screen by a '+', the junk heaps from their collisions by a '*', and you (the good guy) by a '@'. The commands are: h move one square left l move one square right k move one square up j move one square down y move one square up and left u move one square up and right b move one square down and left n move one square down and right . (also space) do nothing for one turn HJKLBNYU run as far as possible in the given direction > do nothing for as long as possible t teleport to a random location w wait until you die or they all do q quit ^L redraw the screen All commands can be preceded by a count. If you use the 'w' command and survive to the next level, you will get a bonus of 10% for each robot which died after you decided to wait. If you die, however, you get nothing. For all other commands, the program will save you from typos by stopping short of being eaten. How- ever, with 'w' you take the risk of dying by miscalculation. Only five scores are allowed per user on the score file. If you make it into the score file, you will be shown the list at the end of the game. If an alternative score file is specified, that will be used instead of the standard file for scores. The options are -s Don't play, just show the score file. -j Jump, i.e., when you run, don't show any intermediate positions; only show things at the end. This is useful on slow terminals. -t Teleport automatically when you have no other option. This is a little disconcerting until you get used to it, and then it is very nice. -a Advance into the higher levels directly, skipping the lower, easier levels. -A Auto-bot mode. Lets the game play itself. -n Increase the number of games played by one. AUTHOR
Ken Arnold Christos Zoulas (autobot mode) FILES
/var/games/bsdgames/robots_roll the score file BUGS
Bugs? You crazy, man?!? BSD
May 31, 1993 BSD
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