term(n) Terminal control term(n)
term - General terminal control
package require Tcl 8.4
package require term ?0.1?
It is planned to have this package provide highlevel general terminal control commands, in the vein of ncurses or similar packages. Cur-
rently nothing has been implemented however. I.e. this package is empty. It can be loaded, yet provides nothing.
This document, and the package it describes, will undoubtedly contain bugs and other problems. Please report such in the category term of
the Tcllib SF Trackers [http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=12883]. Please also report any ideas for enhancements you may have for
either package and/or documentation.
control, terminal
Copyright (c) 2006 Andreas Kupries <andreas_kupries@users.sourceforge.net>
term 0.1 term(n)
Check Out this Related Man Page
term::send(n) Terminal control term::send(n)
term::send - General output to terminals
package require Tcl 8.4
package require term::send ?0.1?
::term::send::wrch chan str
::term::send::wr str
This package provides the most primitive commands for sending characters to a terminal. They are in essence convenient wrappers around the
builtin command puts.
::term::send::wrch chan str
Send the text str to the channel specified by the handle chan. In contrast to the builtin command puts this command does not termi-
nate the string with a line terminator. It also forces an flush of Tcl internal and OS buffers to ensure that the characters are
processed immediately.
::term::send::wr str
This convenience command is like ::term::send::wrch, except that the destination channel is fixed to stdout.
This document, and the package it describes, will undoubtedly contain bugs and other problems. Please report such in the category term of
the Tcllib SF Trackers [http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=12883]. Please also report any ideas for enhancements you may have for
either package and/or documentation.
character output, control, terminal
Terminal control
Copyright (c) 2006 Andreas Kupries <andreas_kupries@users.sourceforge.net>
term 0.1 term::send(n)
Dear Members,
I have aquired a load of old Wyse dumb terminals. I have a Linux system set up that I want to be the host for all of these. Now, I know these don't use cat5 or standard networking. They are all done through serial (com) ports. However, I researched this more and found a converter... (25 Replies)
Hi All,
I have an input_file below and i would like to use Perl to search for the term "aaa" and output the 3rd term in the same row as "aaa".For Example, i want to search for the term "ddd" and would want the code to ouput the 3rd term in the same row which is "fff". Can somebody help ?
... (28 Replies)
Hi there,
I have a doubt about how to set this up. This is the situation.
I have two files, one that is ~31,000 in length and has the following information (7 fields):
1 + 100208127 100261594 6 100208127,100231680,100237404,100245177,100249508,100260529, ... (35 Replies)
I require a perl script that will read a .txt file that contains words like
224.199.207.IN-ADDR.ARPA. IN NS NS1.internet.com. IN PTR beeriftw.internet.com.
arroyoeinternet.com. IN A
I want to focus on words:
IN... (23 Replies)
Hello all,
I would like a message to be displayed on the shell when someone opens up the terminal - something like a welcome msg with date and time. I know how to do this by running the shell commands but dont know how to display it when a user opens up the terminal?
Thanks in advance (27 Replies)
I wanna write a terminal emulator program from scratch. I downloaded the sources of xterm but they are too complex...
I did not found any documentation on the Internet, so I asking you where I have to start.
I learnt only C, and I have the basics of GTK library.
Thanks for any reply. (22 Replies)
Hi Experts,
I am very much new to linux scripting, I am currently working on reducing my manual work and hence writing a script to automate few task.
I am running below command to snmpwalk the router..
snmpwalk -v 3 -u WANDL_SU -a MD5 -A vfipmpls -x DES -X VfIpMpLs -l authPriv... (19 Replies)
I am inexperienced with scripting and it continues to baffles me speechless
I wrote a script so that it counts the number of subset of files (with different prefix) in all subdirectories under the current directory so that
find ./ -type d -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 > list_of_dir.txtfind all... (23 Replies)
I have extracted a raw data file from a magnetic tape using the dd command
Afterwards, I managed to read the extracted data with Bless HexEditor and I found out that at offset 0x200000 there is a sequence of value which originally was stored in a table.
I would like to extract this data and... (45 Replies)
I don't know if you guys get this problem sometimes at Terminal but I had been having this problem since yesterday :( Maybe I overdid the Terminal. Even the codes that used to work doesn't work anymore.
Here is what 's happening:
* I wanted to remove lines containing digits so I used this... (25 Replies)
I am unfamiliar with below error and how to fix it, it happens when I start the terminal in Ubuntu 14.04.3. I do not send any command only press crtl+alt+T. It seems to indicate that something is missing from PATH but I’m not really sure what. Thank you :).
Command 'lesspipe' is... (24 Replies)
Centos Behind The Proxy Server In My System , How Can I Set In Terminal Proxy ( Username & Password )
When Using The Command yum & rpm online I Will Respond Error
Thank You For Your Guidance (28 Replies)
I am trying to grep for a particular text (Do action on cell BL330) in a text file(sample.gz) which is searched in the content filtered by date+timestamp (2016-09-14 01:09:56,796 to 2016-09-15 04:10:29,719) on a remote machine and finally write the output into a output file on a local machine.
... (23 Replies)
I'm trying to delete a file with a weird name from within Terminal on a Mac.
It's a very old file (1992) with null characters in the name: ââWord FinderÂŽ Plusâ˘.
Here are some examples of what I've tried:
12FX009:5 dpontius$ ls
ââWord FinderÂŽ Plusâ˘
12FX009:5 dpontius$ rm... (29 Replies)