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sane-coolscan(5) [netbsd man page]

sane-coolscan(5)					   SANE Scanner Access Now Easy 					  sane-coolscan(5)

sane-coolscan - SANE backend for Nikon film-scanners ABOUT THIS FILE
This file is a short description of the coolscan-backend for sane! DESCRIPTION
The sane-coolscan library implements a SANE backend that provides the interface to the following Nikon Coolscan Film scanners: Nikon LS20, LS30, LS1000, LS2000. Even though the backend has worked for a number of people, there are still some problems, especially in combination with some SCSI card/drivers (AHA-1505/aha152x.o) and the autofocus command. You should consider this backend 'alpha' and be careful when using it the first time. CONFIGURATION
The configuration file for this backend resides in /etc/sane.d/coolscan.conf. Its contents is a list of device names that correspond to Nikon Coolscan scanners. Empty lines and lines starting with a hash mark (#) are ignored. A sample configuration file is shown below: #scsi Vendor Model Type scsi Nikon * Scanner /dev/scanner The special device name must be a generic SCSI device or a symlink to such a device. To find out to which device your scanner is assigned and how you have to set the permissions of that device, have a look at sane-scsi. SCSI ADAPTER TIPS
Some SCSI-adapters and low-level SCSI drivers do not work correctly with this backend and the Coolscan scanners. These systems hang when the autofocus command is send to the Scanner. To see a list of which card/driver combinations work or dont work have a look at: FILES
The backend configuration file: /etc/sane.d/coolscan.conf The static library implementing this backend: /usr/lib64/sane/libsane-coolscan.a The shared library implementing this backend: /usr/lib64/sane/ (present on systems that support dynamic loading) ENVIRONMENT
SANE_DEBUG_COOLSCAN If the library was compiled with debug support enabled, this environment variable controls the debug level for this backend. E.g., a value of 128 requests all debug output to be printed. Smaller levels reduce verbosity: SANE_DEBUG_COOLSCAN values Examples: on bash: export SANE_DEBUG_COOLSCAN=8 on csh: setenv SANE_DEBUG_COOLSCAN 8 BUGS
The autofocus command does not work with some SCSI card/driver combinations The gamma table is not implemented for the LS1000 yet. The dust-removal is not working yet SEE ALSO The homepage of this backend The original version of the coolscan backend by Didier sane(7), sane-scsi(5) THANKS TO
Didier Carlier - For writing the original Coolscan backend (without it I would not have started this) Oliver Rauch - For adapting xsane so quickly to the infrared stuff. All the other people working on SANE. AUTHOR
Andreas Rick EMAIL-CONTACT 13 Jul 2008 sane-coolscan(5)

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sane-ricoh(5)						   SANE Scanner Access Now Easy 					     sane-ricoh(5)

sane-ricoh - SANE backend for Ricoh flatbed scanners DESCRIPTION
The sane-ricoh library implements a SANE (Scanner Access Now Easy) backend that provides access to the following Ricoh flatbed scanners: IS50 IS60 DEVICE NAMES
This backend expects device names of the form: special Where special is the path-name for the special device that corresponds to a SCSI scanner. The special device name must be a generic SCSI device or a symlink to such a device. The program sane-find-scanner helps to find out the correct device. Under Linux, such a device name could be /dev/sga or /dev/sge, for example. See sane-scsi(5) for details. FILES
/etc/sane.d/ricoh.conf The backend configuration file (see also description of SANE_CONFIG_DIR below). /usr/lib64/sane/libsane-ricoh.a The static library implementing this backend. /usr/lib64/sane/ The shared library implementing this backend (present on systems that support dynamic loading). ENVIRONMENT
SANE_CONFIG_DIR This environment variable specifies the list of directories that may contain the configuration file. Under UNIX, the directories are separated by a colon (`:'), under OS/2, they are separated by a semi-colon (`;'). If this variable is not set, the configura- tion file is searched in two default directories: first, the current working directory (".") and then in /etc/sane.d. If the value of the environment variable ends with the directory separator character, then the default directories are searched after the explic- itly specified directories. For example, setting SANE_CONFIG_DIR to "/tmp/config:" would result in directories "tmp/config", ".", and "/etc/sane.d" being searched (in this order). SANE_DEBUG_RICOH If the library was compiled with debug support enabled, this environment variable controls the debug level for this backend. Higher debug levels increase the verbosity of the output. Example: export SANE_DEBUG_RICOH=4 SEE ALSO
sane(7), sane-scsi(5) AUTHOR
Feico W. Dillema 14 Jul 2008 sane-ricoh(5)
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