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monthly(5) [netbsd man page]

MONTHLY(5)						      BSD File Formats Manual							MONTHLY(5)

monthly, monthly.conf -- monthly maintenance DESCRIPTION
The /etc/monthly script is normally run in the morning of the 1st of every month, on a NetBSD system. Note: this is disabled (commented out) in the default root's crontab(5) file. The /etc/monthly.conf file specifies which of the standard monthly services are performed. There are currently no monthly tasks. FILES
/etc/monthly monthly maintenance script /etc/monthly.conf monthly maintenance configuration /etc/monthly.local local site additions to /etc/monthly SEE ALSO
daily(5), weekly(5) HISTORY
The /etc/monthly.conf file appeared in NetBSD 1.3. BSD
May 3, 2011 BSD

Check Out this Related Man Page

monthly(8)						      System Manager's Manual							monthly(8)

monthly - httpd log rotation for wwwstat SYNOPSIS
THIS PROGRAM MUST ONLY BE RUN ONCE PER MONTH! DURING THE FIRST WEEK It assumes a lot, like that you use wwwstat and archive your logfiles once per month. You will need to configure it for your server before it can be used. Reads the logfile (assumed to contain more than one month's worth of WWW common logfile entries) and moves the prior month's entries into a separate file. The new file is created on TMPDIR (to avoid filling up the disk), compressed using gzip, and then moved to the archive directory. The program also restarts the httpd server. SEE ALSO
crontab(1), httpd(1m), perl(1), wwwstat(1), splitlog(1), wwwerrs(8), oldlog2new(8) More info and the latest version of monthly can be obtained from If you have any suggestions, bug reports, fixes, or enhancements, please join the <> mailing list by sending e- mail with "subscribe" in the subject of the message to the request address <>. The list is archived at the above address. 18 November 2004 monthly(8)
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