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bootparams(5) [netbsd man page]

BOOTPARAMS(5)						      BSD File Formats Manual						     BOOTPARAMS(5)

bootparams -- boot parameter database SYNOPSIS
/etc/bootparams DESCRIPTION
The bootparams file specifies the boot parameters that diskless(8) clients may request when booting over the network. Each client supported by this server must have an entry in the bootparams file containing the servers and pathnames for its root, area. It may optionally contain swap, dump, and other entry types. Each line in the file (other than comment lines that begin with a #) specifies the client name followed by the pathnames that the client may request by their logical names. Names are matched in a case-insensitive fashion, and may also be wildcarded using shell-style globbing char- acters. The components of the line are delimited with blank or tab, and may be continued onto multiple lines with a backslash. For example: dummy root=server:/export/dummy/root swap=server:/export/dummy/swap dump=server:/export/dummy/swap gateway=router: When the client named "dummy" requests the pathname for its logical "root" it will be given server ``server'' and pathname ``/export/dummy/root'' as the response to its RPC request. netra[1-5]www* root=server:/export/jumpstart/netra_www When any client with a name matching the pattern "netra[1-5]www*" requests the pathname for its logical "root" it will be given server ``server'' and pathname ``/export/jumpstart/netra_www'' as the response to its RPC request. As this example implies, this is useful for set- ting up Jumpstart servers for Sun clients. NOTES
The server does not default to the localhost, and must be filled in. FILES
/etc/bootparams default configuration file SEE ALSO
diskless(8), rpc.bootparamd(8) BSD
February 28, 2002 BSD

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RPC.BOOTPARAMD(8)					    BSD System Manager's Manual 					 RPC.BOOTPARAMD(8)

bootparamd, rpc.bootparamd -- boot parameter server SYNOPSIS
bootparamd [-ds] [-i interface] [-r router] [-f file] DESCRIPTION
bootparamd is a server process that provides information to diskless clients necessary for booting. It consults the file ``/etc/bootparams''. It should normally be started from ``/etc/rc''. This version will allow the use of aliases on the hostname in the ``/etc/bootparams'' file. The hostname returned in response to the booting client's whoami request will be the name that appears in the config file, not the canonical name. In this way you can keep the answer short enough so that machines that cannot handle long hostnames won't fail during boot. While parsing, if a line containing just ``+'' is found, and the YP subsystem is active, the YP map bootparams will be searched immediately. OPTIONS
-d Display the debugging information. The daemon does not fork in this case. -i interface Specify the interface to become the default router. bootparamd picks the first IPv4 address it finds on the system by default. With -i, you can control which interface to be used to obtain the default router address. -r overrides -i. -s Log the debugging information with syslog(3). -r Set the default router (a hostname or IP-address). This defaults to the machine running the server. -f Specify the file to use as boot parameter file instead of ``/etc/bootparams''. FILES
/etc/bootparams default configuration file SEE ALSO
bootparams(5) AUTHORS
Originally written by Klas Heggemann <>. BUGS
You may find the syslog messages too verbose. It's not clear if the non-canonical hack mentioned above is a good idea. BSD
January 8, 1994 BSD
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