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userconf(4) [netbsd man page]

USERCONF(4)						   BSD Kernel Interfaces Manual 					       USERCONF(4)

userconf -- in-kernel device configuration manager SYNOPSIS
userconf is the in-kernel device configuration manager. It is used to alter the kernel autoconfiguration framework at runtime. userconf is activated from the boot loader by passing the -c option to the kernel. COMMAND SYNTAX
The general command syntax is: command [option] userconf has a more(1)-like functionality; if a number of lines in a command's output exceeds the number defined in the lines variable, then userconf displays ``-- more --'' and waits for a response, which may be one of: <return> one more line. <space> one more page. q abort the current command, and return to the command input mode. COMMANDS
userconf supports the following commands: lines count Specify the number of lines before more. base 8 | 10 | 16 Base for displaying large numbers. change devno | dev Change devices. disable devno | dev Disable devices. enable devno | dev Enable devices. exit A synonym for quit. find devno | dev Find devices. help Display online help. list List current configuration. quit Leave userconf. ? A synonym for help. HISTORY
The userconf framework first appeared in OpenBSD 2.0, and was then integrated into NetBSD 1.6. AUTHORS
The userconf framework was written by Mats O Jansson <>. BSD
July 1, 2001 BSD

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SND_UAUDIO(4)						   BSD Kernel Interfaces Manual 					     SND_UAUDIO(4)

snd_uaudio -- USB audio and MIDI device driver SYNOPSIS
To compile this driver into the kernel, place the following lines in your kernel configuration file: device sound device usb device snd_uaudio Alternatively, to load the driver as a module at boot time, place the following line in loader.conf(5): snd_uaudio_load="YES" DESCRIPTION
The snd_uaudio driver provides support for USB audio class devices and USB MIDI class devices. A USB audio device consists of a number of components: input terminals (e.g. USB digital input), output terminals (e.g. speakers), and a num- ber of units in between (e.g. volume control). Refer to the 'USB Audio Class Specification' for more information. SEE ALSO
sound(4), usb(4) USB Audio Class Specifications, HISTORY
The snd_uaudio driver first appeared in FreeBSD 4.7. AUTHORS
This manual page was adopted from NetBSD 1.6 and modified for FreeBSD by Hiten Pandya <>. BUGS
The PCM framework in FreeBSD, as of this writing, does not handle device un-registrations in a properly abstracted manner, i.e., a detach request is refused by the PCM framework if the device is in use. It is necessary to allow the device un-registration to complete success- fully, otherwise the PCM layer will panic. BSD
February 24, 2011 BSD
Man Page

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