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ug(4) [netbsd man page]

UG(4)							   BSD Kernel Interfaces Manual 						     UG(4)

ug -- Abit uGuru system hardware monitor SYNOPSIS
ug* at acpi? ug0 at isa? port 0xe0 DESCRIPTION
The ug driver provides support for the Abit uGuru hardware monitor to be used with the envsys(4) interface. The ug driver has 19 sensors: Sensor Units Typical Use CPU uK CPU Temp SYS uK System Temp PWN uK PWN Temp VCORE uV DC Core voltage DDR0 uV DC DDRVdd DDR1 uV DC DDRVtt NB uV DC NBVdd SB uV DC SBVdd HTV uV DC HTVdd AGP uV DC AGPVdd V5V uV DC Vdd5V V33V uV DC Vdd3V3 V5SB uV DC Vdd5VSB V33VD uV DC Vdd3VDual CPUF RPM CPU Fan NBF RPM NB Fan SYSF RPM SYS Fan AUXF RPM AUX Fan 1 AUXF2 RPM AUX Fan 2 SEE ALSO
acpi(4), envsys(4), envstat(8) HISTORY
The ug driver first appeared in NetBSD 4.0. AUTHORS
The ug driver was written by Mihai Chelaru <>. BUGS
Interrupt support is unimplemented. BSD
May 8, 2007 BSD

Check Out this Related Man Page

IPMI(4) 						   BSD Kernel Interfaces Manual 						   IPMI(4)

ipmi -- Intelligent Platform Management Interface driver SYNOPSIS
ipmi0 at mainbus? DESCRIPTION
The ipmi device driver supports motherboards implementing the Intelligent Platform Management Interface version 1.5 or 2.0, and exports sen- sors and the watchdog through the envsys(4) interface. EVENTS
The ipmi driver is able to send events to powerd(8) when a sensor's state has changed. Intrusion sensors will send a critical event when state is not ok. Power Supply sensors will send a critical event when the Power Supply unit is not installed and warning-over when the Power Supply unit is installed but not powered on. Fan, temperature and voltage sensors will send critical-over or critical-under when the value is very critical, or warning-over or warning-under if it's in a warning alert. SEE ALSO
envsys(4), envstat(8), powerd(8), wdogctl(8) HISTORY
The ipmi driver first appeared in OpenBSD 3.9 and was then ported to NetBSD 4.0. AUTHORS
The ipmi driver was originally written by Jordan Hargrave and was ported to NetBSD by Manuel Bouyer <>. BSD
September 8, 2008 BSD
Man Page

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