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swsensor(4) [netbsd man page]

SWSENSOR(4)						   BSD Kernel Interfaces Manual 					       SWSENSOR(4)

swsensor -- software environmental sensor SYNOPSIS
pseudo-device swsensor DESCRIPTION
The swsensor driver provides a software environmental sensor that works with sysctl(8) and envstat(8). The driver is intended to be loaded as a kernel module. One can, however, include the swsensor driver directly in a kernel using the configuration from the synopsis. By default, the sensor is of type ENVSYS_UNITS_INTEGER. The following values can be specified in the modload(8) command when loading the swsensor module to alter the driver's behavior. Variable Usage mode Controls whether or not swsensor provides internally-maintained limits and limit checking Value Meaning 0 sensor has no internally-maintained limits 1 sensor provides its own internal limit value 2 sensor maintains an internal adjustable limit and performs its own comparison between the sensor's limit and its current value limit The initial alarm limit value, if limit emulation is selected (i.e., if mode is set to 1 or 2) value_max value_min The maximum and minimum values. The corresponding ENVSYS_FVALID_MAX and ENVSYS_FVALID_MIN flags are implicitly set. percentage This boolean value controls the setting of the ENVSYS_FPERCENT flag. type Define the sensor's unit/type. By default, a Temperature sensor is created. Any of the string values from the following table can be specified: Temperature Fan Voltage AC Voltage DC Ohms Watts Ampere Watt hour Ampere hour Indicator Integer Drive Battery capacity Battery charge (Values are case-sensitive, and spaces must be included.) value Provide an initial value for the sensor. If this is omitted, the sensor's initial value is set to zero. For example, modload -s type=Voltage DC swsensor will create a sensor of type ENVSYS_UNITS_SVOLTS_DC, while modload -i mode=1 -i limit=50 swsensor will create a sensor which has an initial, device-provided limit of 50. The sensor's raw value and state can be manually updated by modifying the sysctl(8) variables ``hw.swsensor.cur_value'' and ``hw.swsensor.state'' variables respectively. SEE ALSO
modctl(2), envstat(8), sysctl(8) HISTORY
The swsensor driver was written by Paul Goyette and first appeared in NetBSD 6.0. BUGS
The swsensor driver emulates a device with only a single sensor. The swsensor driver can only emulate one hardware-managed limit; this is assumed to be the critical-min limit. BSD
August 27, 2012 BSD

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ENVSYS(4)						   BSD Kernel Interfaces Manual 						 ENVSYS(4)

envsys -- Environmental Systems framework (version 2) SYNOPSIS
#include <sys/envsys.h> DESCRIPTION
The envsys framework provides support to handle hardware monitor devices. Hardware monitoring chips are able to report values from different types of sensors. The envsys framework consists of two parts: 1. the userland part, to receive the current sensor data and to set some properties on sensors: envstat(8). 2. The kernel part that is able to talk to the devices providing sensor data: sysmon_envsys(9). The envsys framework uses proplib(3) for communication between kernel and user space. The following ioctl(2) types are available: ENVSYS_GETDICTIONARY (prop_dictionary_t) This ioctl(2) is used to receive the global dictionary that is being used in the kernel by the sysmon_envsys(9) framework. It will con- tain an array of dictionaries per device and one dictionary per sensor plus another special dictionary that contains the properties for a device. Each sensor dictionary will have their own characteristics and values. The following XML property list represents a virtual device ``device0'' with one sensor ``sensor0'' and all available properties set on it, plus another sensor for the ``device-properties'' dictionary (which contains specific properties for a device): <key>device0</key> <array> <dict> <key>allow-rfact</key> <true/> <key>avg-value</key> <integer>36400</integer> <key>battery-capacity</key> <string>NORMAL</string> <key>critical-capacity</key> <integer>21417</integer> <key>critical-max</key> <integer>343150000</integer> <key>critical-min</key> <integer>288150000</integer> <key>cur-value</key> <integer>406000</integer> <key>description</key> <string>CPU Temp</string> <key>high-capacity</key> <integer>21417</integer> <string>index</string> <string>sensor0</string> <key>max-value</key> <integer>3894000</integer> <key>maximum-capacity</key> <integer>21417</integer> <key>min-value</key> <integer>2894000</integer> <key>monitoring-state-critical</key> <true/> <key>monitoring-state-critover</key> <true/> <key>monitoring-state-critunder</key> <true/> <key>monitoring-state-state-changed</key> <true/> <key>monitoring-state-warnover</key> <true/> <key>monitoring-state-warnunder</key> <true/> <key>monitoring-supported</key> <true/> <key>state</key> <string>valid</string> <key>type</key> <string>Ampere hour</string> <key>want-percentage</key> <true/> <key>warning-capacity</key> <integer>19234</integer> <key>warning-max</key> <integer>323150000</integer> <key>warning-min</key> <integer>298150000</integer> </dict> <dict> <key>device-properties</key> <dict> <key>refresh-timeout</key> <integer>0xa</integer> </dict> </dict> </array> Let's explain some more about those objects: allow-rfact Set to true means that the sensor is able to change the resistor factor, only used in Voltage sensors. avg-value Current average value in the sensor. battery-capacity Current capacity state for a battery capacity sensor. critical-capacity Critical capacity set previously by the ENVSYS_SETDICTIONARY ioctl(2). Only available on sensors with the want-percentage object enabled. critical-max Critical max limit set previously by the ENVSYS_SETDICTIONARY ioctl(2). critical-min Critical min limit set previously by the ENVSYS_SETDICTIONARY ioctl(2). cur-value Current value in the sensor. description Description of the sensor. high-capacity High capacity set previously by the ENVSYS_SETDICTIONARY ioctl(2). Only available on sensors with the want-percentage object enabled. Used to monitor possible over-charging of batteries. index Index position of the sensor. max-value Current max value in the sensor. maximum-capacity Maximum capacity set previously by the ENVSYS_SETDICTIONARY ioctl(2). Only available on sensors with the want-percentage object enabled. Used to monitor possible over-charging of batteries. min-value Current min value in the sensor. monitoring-state-critical If true, the device has enabled the flag to monitor a critical state. monitoring-state-hw-range-limits If true, the device has enabled the flag to monitor warning or critical limits. monitoring-state-state-changed If true, the device has enabled the flag to monitor for state changes in a drive or Battery state sen- sor. monitoring-supported If true, critical/warning capacity/max/min limits may be set by the ENVSYS_SETDICTIONARY ioctl(2). state Current state in the sensor. type Type of unit in the sensor. want-percentage If true, max-value and cur-value are valid and a percentage may be computed from them. warning-capacity Warning capacity set previously by the ENVSYS_SETDICTIONARY ioctl(2). Only available on sensors with the want-percentage object enabled. warning-max Warning max limit set previously by the ENVSYS_SETDICTIONARY ioctl(2). warning-min Warning min limit set previously by the ENVSYS_SETDICTIONARY ioctl(2). ENVSYS_REMOVEPROPS (prop_dictionary_t) This ioctl(2) is used to remove all properties that are currently set via the ENVSYS_SETDICTIONARY ioctl. The values will be set to defaults, the ones that the device uses. Only one object is allowed on this dictionary: <key>envsys-remove-props</key> <true/> It is a boolean object and must be set to true to be effective. ENVSYS_SETDICTIONARY (prop_dictionary_t) This ioctl(2) is used to send a dictionary with new properties that should be processed by the envsys framework. Only a set of prede- fined keywords are recognized by the kernel part. The following is the property list representation of a dictionary with all recognized and required keywords that a sensor understands: <dict> <key>description</key> <string>cpu temp</string> <key>rfact</key> <integer>56000</integer> <key>critical-capacity</key> <integer>10</integer> <key>critical-max</key> <integer>3400</integer> <key>critical-min</key> <integer>2800</integer> <key>high-capacity</key> <integer>95</integer> <key>maximum-capacity</key> <integer>100</integer> <key>warning-capacity</key> <integer>15</integer> <key>warning-max</key> <integer>3200</integer> <key>warning-min</key> <integer>2900</integer> </dict> Also if some properties in a device need to be changed, the ``device-properties'' dictionary must be used. At this moment only the ``refresh-timeout'' property is understood. This has the following structure: <dict> <key>device-properties</key> <dict> <key>refresh-timeout</key> <integer>0xa</integer> </dict> </dict> A dictionary sent to the kernel with this ioctl(2) should have the following structure: <dict> <key>device_name</key> <array> <dict> <key>index</key> <string>sensor0</string> <key>description</key> <string>cpu temp</string> ... Another property for this sensor ... </dict> ... Another dictionary for device-properties or sensor ... </array> ... Another device as above ... </dict> The named device will be an array and will contain dictionaries, any dictionary needs to have the index object specifying the sensor that is required for the new properties. If an unknown object was sent with the dictionary, EINVAL will be returned, or if the sensor does not support changing rfact (voltage sensors) or critical/warning/capacity limits, ENOTSUP will be returned. NOTES
When setting a critical/warning max or min limit with the ENVSYS_SETDICTIONARY ioctl(2), the user must be aware that sysmon_envsys(9) expects to have a proper unit, so the value must be converted. Please see sysmon_envsys(9) for more information. Also when setting a critical or warning capacity limit, the formula to send a proper value to sysmon_envsys(9) is the following: value = (value / 100) * max value. The max value is available in the sensor's dictionary. EXAMPLES
The following example shows how to change the description of 'sensor0' in the 'aibs0' device with the ENVSYS_SETDICTIONARY ioctl(2): int main(void) { prop_dictionary_t global_dict, sensor_dict; prop_array_t array; prop_object_t obj; int fd, error; global_dict = prop_dictionary_create(); sensor_dict = prop_dictionary_create(); array = prop_array_create(); if (!prop_dictionary_set(global_dict, "aibs0", array)) err(EINVAL, "prop_dictionary_set global"); obj = prop_string_create_cstring_nocopy("sensor0"); if (obj == NULL || !prop_dictionary_set(sensor_dict, "index", obj)) err(EINVAL, "sensor index"); prop_object_release(obj); /* new description */ obj = prop_string_create_cstring_nocopy("CPU core voltage"); if (obj == NULL || !prop_dictionary_set(sensor_dict, "description", obj)) err(EINVAL, "new description"); prop_object_release(obj); if (!prop_array_add(array, sensor_dict)) err(EINVAL, "prop_array_add"); if ((fd = open(_DEV_SYSMON, O_RDWR)) == -1) err(EXIT_FAILURE, "open"); /* we are done, send the dictionary */ error = prop_dictionary_send_ioctl(global_dict, fd, ENVSYS_SETDICTIONARY); prop_object_release(array); prop_object_release(global_dict); (void)close(fd); return error; } SEE ALSO
envsys.conf(5), envstat(8), powerd(8), sysmon_envsys(9) HISTORY
The first envsys framework first appeared in NetBSD 1.5. The envsys 2 framework first appeared in NetBSD 5.0. AUTHORS
The (current) envsys 2 framework was implemented by Juan Romero Pardines. Additional input on the design was provided by many NetBSD devel- opers around the world. The first envsys framework was implemented by Jason R. Thorpe, Tim Rightnour, and Bill Squier. BSD
March 14, 2010 BSD
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