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rmtab(4) [netbsd man page]

rmtab(4)                                                           File Formats                                                           rmtab(4)

rmtab - remote mounted file system table SYNOPSIS
/etc/rmtab DESCRIPTION
rmtab contains a table of filesystems that are remotely mounted by NFS clients. This file is maintained by mountd(1M), the mount daemon. The data in this file should be obtained only from mountd(1M) using the MOUNTPROC_DUMP remote procedure call. The file contains a line of information for each remotely mounted filesystem. There are a number of lines of the form: hostname:fsname The mount daemon adds an entry for any client that successfully executes a mount request and deletes the appropriate entries for an unmount request. Lines beginning with a hash (' #') are commented out. These lines are removed from the file by mountd(1M) when it first starts up. Stale entries may accumulate for clients that crash without sending an unmount request. FILES
/etc/rmtab SEE ALSO
mountd(1M), showmount(1M) SunOS 5.10 15 Nov 1990 rmtab(4)

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rmtab(4)                                                           File Formats                                                           rmtab(4)

rmtab - remote mounted file system table SYNOPSIS
/etc/rmtab DESCRIPTION
rmtab contains a table of filesystems that are remotely mounted by NFS clients. This file is maintained by mountd(1M), the mount daemon. The data in this file should be obtained only from mountd(1M) using the MOUNTPROC_DUMP remote procedure call. The file contains a line of information for each remotely mounted filesystem. There are a number of lines of the form: hostname:fsname The mount daemon adds an entry for any client that successfully executes a mount request and deletes the appropriate entries for an unmount request. Lines beginning with a hash (' #') are commented out. These lines are removed from the file by mountd(1M) when it first starts up. Stale entries may accumulate for clients that crash without sending an unmount request. FILES
/etc/rmtab SEE ALSO
mountd(1M), showmount(1M) SunOS 5.10 15 Nov 1990 rmtab(4)
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