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pnpbios(4) [netbsd man page]

PNPBIOS(4)                                               BSD/i386 Kernel Interfaces Manual                                              PNPBIOS(4)

pnpbios -- support for embedded devices on the motherboard DESCRIPTION
The pnpbios driver enumerates embedded ISA devices on the motherboard whose BIOS supports ``Plug and Play BIOS Specification''. It assigns ISA bus resources (interrupt line, DMA channel, I/O ports, and memory region) to each device and activates it. If it cannot assign necessary resources to a device without causing conflict with other devices in the system, the device will not be acti- vated and will be unavailable to programs. CAVEATS
There is no explicit way to disable individual embedded devices. The pnpbios driver will find all devices reported by the ``Plug and Play (PnP)'' BIOS and try to activate them all. There is no way to explicitly assign particular resource to a device. The resource assignment is fully automatic and there is no provision for manual override. SEE ALSO
Compaq, Phenix, and Intel, Plug and Play BIOS Specification Version 1.0A, May 5, 1994. Compaq, Phenix, and Intel, Plug and Play BIOS CLARIFICATION Paper for Plug and Play BIOS Specification Version 1.0A, October 6, 1994. HISTORY
The pnpbios driver first appeared in FreeBSD 4.0. AUTHORS
The pnpbios driver was written by Mike Smith. BSD September 20, 2001 BSD

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PNPBIOS(4)						 BSD/i386 Kernel Interfaces Manual						PNPBIOS(4)

pnpbios -- support for embedded devices on the motherboard DESCRIPTION
The pnpbios driver enumerates embedded ISA devices on the motherboard whose BIOS supports ``Plug and Play BIOS Specification''. It assigns ISA bus resources (interrupt line, DMA channel, I/O ports, and memory region) to each device and activates it. If it cannot assign necessary resources to a device without causing conflict with other devices in the system, the device will not be acti- vated and will be unavailable to programs. CAVEATS
There is no explicit way to disable individual embedded devices. The pnpbios driver will find all devices reported by the ``Plug and Play (PnP)'' BIOS and try to activate them all. There is no way to explicitly assign particular resource to a device. The resource assignment is fully automatic and there is no provision for manual override. SEE ALSO
Compaq, Phenix, and Intel, Plug and Play BIOS Specification Version 1.0A, May 5, 1994. Compaq, Phenix, and Intel, Plug and Play BIOS CLARIFICATION Paper for Plug and Play BIOS Specification Version 1.0A, October 6, 1994. HISTORY
The pnpbios driver first appeared in FreeBSD 4.0. AUTHORS
The pnpbios driver was written by Mike Smith. BSD
September 20, 2001 BSD
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