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pas(4) [netbsd man page]

PAS(4)							   BSD Kernel Interfaces Manual 						    PAS(4)

pas -- ProAudio Spectrum audio device driver SYNOPSIS
pas0 at isa? port 0x220 irq 7 drq 1 audio* at audiobus? DESCRIPTION
The pas driver provides support for ProAudio Spectrum sound cards. SEE ALSO
audio(4), isa(4) BSD
June 22, 2005 BSD

Check Out this Related Man Page

EAP(4)							   BSD Kernel Interfaces Manual 						    EAP(4)

eap -- AudioPCI audio device driver SYNOPSIS
eap* at pci? dev ? function ? audio* at audiobus? joy* at eap? midi* at eap? options EAP_USE_BOTH_DACS DESCRIPTION
The eap driver provides support for the Ensoniq AudioPCI and Creative Labs SoundBlaster PCI series of audio cards. All models based on the ES1370, ES1371, and ES1373 chips are supported. By specifying: options EAP_USE_BOTH_DACS a second audio device is attached. You can use it simply by directing audio output to it. This way it is possible for two different pro- grams to use the "same" audio device simultaneously. SEE ALSO
ac97(4), audio(4), joy(4), midi(4), pci(4) HISTORY
The eap device driver appeared in NetBSD 1.4. CAVEATS
The joystick port hardware works by emulating a legacy isa(4) joystick port, bypassing the pci(4) bus method for address allocation. This is unlikely to work on PCI busses other than the primary one. There is also a possibility for conflicts with real ISA devices because the PCI bus is probed before ISA. Use with caution. BSD
July 22, 2006 BSD
Man Page

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