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filemon(4) [netbsd man page]

FILEMON(4)						   BSD Kernel Interfaces Manual 						FILEMON(4)

filemon -- track interesting system calls SYNOPSIS
#include <filemon.h> DESCRIPTION
filemon provides a means for tracking the successful system calls performed by a process. It is used by make(1) to track the activities of build scripts, for the purpose of automatically learning dependencies. The data captured by filemon for the script n=`wc -l /etc/motd`; echo "int motd_lines = $n;" > cmp -s foo.h 2> /dev/null || mv foo.h looks like: # filemon version 4 # Target pid 24291 V 4 E 29676 /bin/sh R 29676 /etc/ R 29676 /lib/ R 29676 /lib/ R 29676 /lib/ F 29676 4899 E 4899 /usr/bin/wc R 4899 /etc/ R 4899 /usr/lib/ R 4899 /etc/motd X 4899 0 W 29676 X 29676 0 # Bye bye E 3250 /bin/sh R 3250 /etc/ R 3250 /lib/ R 3250 /lib/ R 3250 /lib/ W 26673 /dev/null E 26673 /usr/bin/cmp R 26673 /etc/ R 26673 /usr/lib/ X 26673 2 E 576 /bin/mv R 576 /etc/ R 576 /lib/ M 576 '' 'foo.h' X 576 0 X 3250 0 # Bye bye Most records follow the format: type pid data where type is one of the list below, and unless otherwise specified, data is a pathname. C chdir(2). D unlink(2). E exec(3). F fork(2), vfork(2); data is the process id of the child. L link(2), symlink(2); data is two pathnames. M rename(2); data is two pathnames. R open(2) for read or read-write. W open(2) for writing or read-write. X exit(3); data is the exit status. V indicates the version of filemon. FILES
/dev/filemon EXAMPLES
The following example demonstrates the basic usage of filemon: #include <filemon.h> pid_d pid; int fd, tfd; int status; filemon_fd = open("/dev/filemon", O_RDWR); temp_fd = mkstemp("/tmp/filemon.XXXXXXX"); /* give filemon the temp file to use */ ioctl(filemon_fd, FILEMON_SET_FD, &temp_fd); /* children do not need these once they exec */ fcntl(filemon_fd, F_SETFD, 1); fcntl(temp_fd, F_SETFD, 1); pid = fork(); switch(pid) { case -1: err(1, "cannot fork"); break; case 0: pid = getpid(); /* tell filemon to monitor this process */ ioctl(filemon_fd, FILEMON_SET_PID, &pid); execvp(...); _exit(1); break; default: status = wait(); close(filemon_fd); lseek(temp_fd, SEEK_SET, 0); /* read the captured syscalls from temp_fd */ close(temp_fd); break; } The output of filemon is intended to be simple to parse. It is possible to achieve almost equivalent results with dtrace(1) though on many systems this requires elevated privileges. Also, ktrace(1) can capture similar data, but records failed system calls as well as successful, and is thus more complex to post-process. HISTORY
filemon was contributed by Juniper Networks. BSD
September 29, 2011 BSD

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ENVIRONMENT.D(5)						   environment.d						  ENVIRONMENT.D(5)

environment.d - Definition of user session environment SYNOPSIS
~/.config/environment.d/*.conf /etc/environment.d/*.conf /run/environment.d/*.conf /usr/lib/environment.d/*.conf /etc/environment DESCRIPTION
The environment.d directories contain a list of "global" environment variable assignments for the user environment. systemd-environment-d- generator(8) parses them and updates the environment exported by the systemd user instance to the services it starts. It is recommended to use numerical prefixes for file names to simplify ordering. For backwards compatibility, a symlink to /etc/environment is installed, so this file is also parsed. CONFIGURATION DIRECTORIES AND PRECEDENCE
Configuration files are read from directories in /etc/, /run/, and /lib/, in order of precedence. Each configuration file in these configuration directories shall be named in the style of filename.conf. Files in /etc/ override files with the same name in /run/ and /lib/. Files in /run/ override files with the same name in /lib/. Packages should install their configuration files in /lib/. Files in /etc/ are reserved for the local administrator, who may use this logic to override the configuration files installed by vendor packages. All configuration files are sorted by their filename in lexicographic order, regardless of which of the directories they reside in. If multiple files specify the same option, the entry in the file with the lexicographically latest name will take precedence. It is recommended to prefix all filenames with a two-digit number and a dash, to simplify the ordering of the files. If the administrator wants to disable a configuration file supplied by the vendor, the recommended way is to place a symlink to /dev/null in the configuration directory in /etc/, with the same filename as the vendor configuration file. If the vendor configuration file is included in the initrd image, the image has to be regenerated. CONFIGURATION FORMAT
The configuration files contain a list of "KEY=VALUE" environment variable assignments, separated by newlines. The right hand side of these assignments may reference previously defined environment variables, using the "${OTHER_KEY}" and "$OTHER_KEY" format. It is also possible to use "${FOO:-DEFAULT_VALUE}" to expand in the same way as "${FOO}" unless the expansion would be empty, in which case it expands to DEFAULT_VALUE, and use "${FOO:+ALTERNATE_VALUE}" to expand to ALTERNATE_VALUE as long as "${FOO}" would have expanded to a non-empty value. No other elements of shell syntax are supported. Each KEY must be a valid variable name. Empty lines and lines beginning with the comment character "#" are ignored. Example Example 1. Setup environment to allow access to a program installed in /opt/foo /etc/environment.d/60-foo.conf: FOO_DEBUG=force-software-gl,log-verbose PATH=/opt/foo/bin:$PATH LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/foo/lib${LD_LIBRARY_PATH:+:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH} XDG_DATA_DIRS=/opt/foo/share:${XDG_DATA_DIRS:-/usr/local/share/:/usr/share/} SEE ALSO
systemd(1), systemd-environment-d-generator(8), systemd.environment-generator(7) systemd 237 ENVIRONMENT.D(5)
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