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ess(4) [netbsd man page]

ESS(4)							   BSD Kernel Interfaces Manual 						    ESS(4)

ess -- ESS Technology AudioDrive family audio device driver SYNOPSIS
ess* at isapnp? ess* at pnpbios? index ? ess* at ofisa? audio* at audiobus? opl* at ess? DESCRIPTION
The ess driver provides support for the ESS 1788, 1888, 1887, and 888 AudioDrive audio devices. The AudioDrive 1788 is a half-duplex device, while the 1888, 1887, and 888 are full-duplex. All are capable of 8- and 16-bit audio sample recording and playback at rates up to 44.1kHz. The AudioDrive takes 16 I/O ports. The I/O port range, IRQ, and DRQ channels are set by the driver to the values specified in the configura- tion file (or for isapnp, pnpbios, or ofisa, the values assigned from the firmware). The I/O port base must be one of 0x220, 0x230, 0x240, 0x250. The IRQ must be one of 5, 7, 9, 10 (or 15 on the 1887 only). The first DRQ channel must be selected from 0, 1, 3. The second DRQ chan- nel (used for playback by the full-duplex 1888/1887, ignored by the 1788) can additionally be set to 5. If both DRQ channels are used they must be different. The joystick interface (if enabled) is handled by the joy(4) driver. SEE ALSO
audio(4), isapnp(4), joy(4), ofisa(4), opl(4), pnpbios(4) HISTORY
The ess device driver appeared in NetBSD 1.4. BUGS
The AudioDrive devices have a SoundBlaster compatibility mode, and may be detected by the SoundBlaster driver (see sb(4)) rather than the AudioDrive driver. The workaround is to remove the SoundBlaster driver from the kernel configuration. BSD
June 22, 2005 BSD

Check Out this Related Man Page

ESO(4)							   BSD Kernel Interfaces Manual 						    ESO(4)

eso -- ESS Technology Solo-1 PCI AudioDrive audio device driver SYNOPSIS
eso* at pci? dev ? function ? audio* at audiobus? joy* at eso? mpu* at eso? opl* at eso? DESCRIPTION
The eso device driver supports sound cards based on ESS Technology Solo-1 PCI AudioDrive chips (ES1938 and ES1946), e.g. the TerraTec 128i PCI card. DIAGNOSTICS
eso0: can't map Audio 1 DMA into I/O space PCI autoconfiguration did not map the first audio channel DMA controller into I/O space at a suitable address, and the driver was not able map it by itself. In that case only playback functionality will be available. eso0: reset timeout The device failed to acknowledge being reset. eso0: RDR timeout The driver timed out reading data from a controller register. eso0: WDR timeout The driver timed out waiting to send a command or writing to a controller register. SEE ALSO
audio(4), joy(4), mpu(4), opl(4), pci(4) HISTORY
The eso device driver appeared in NetBSD 1.5. The on-board gameport was first supported in NetBSD 1.6. BSD
June 22, 2005 BSD
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