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edc(4) [netbsd man page]

EDC(4)							   BSD Kernel Interfaces Manual 						    EDC(4)

edc -- IBM DASD Storage Interface ESDI disk driver SYNOPSIS
edc* at mca? slot ? ed* at edc? drive ? DESCRIPTION
The edc driver supports IBM MCA ESDI disk controllers and disks, most commonly found in IBM PS/2 machines. Supported boards include: IBM ESDI Fixed Disk Controller IBM Integrated ESDI Fixed Disk & Controller SEE ALSO
intro(4), mca(4) HISTORY
This driver appeared in NetBSD 1.6. AUTHORS
The driver was written by Jaromir Dolecek <>. NOTES
The driver should also work properly on machines with more than 16MB of memory, using buffer bouncing to overcome 24bit MCA DMA limitation. BSD
April 19, 2001 BSD

Check Out this Related Man Page

TR(4)							   BSD Kernel Interfaces Manual 						     TR(4)

tr -- TROPIC based shared memory Token-Ring cards device driver SYNOPSIS
tr0 at isa? port 0xa20 iomem 0xd800 irq ? tr* at isa? port ? irq ? tr* at isapnp? tr* at mca? slot ? tr* at pcmcia? function ? DESCRIPTION
The tr device driver supports TROPIC I based shared-memory Token-Ring cards. HARDWARE
Supported cards include the following IBM and 3Com models: IBM Token-Ring Network PC Adapter IBM Token-Ring Network PC Adapter II IBM Token-Ring Network Adapter/A IBM Token-Ring Network 16/4 Adapter IBM Token-Ring Network 16/4 Adapter/A IBM Token-Ring 16/4 Credit Card Adapter IBM Token Ring Auto 16/4 Credit Card Adapter IBM Turbo 16/4 Token Ring PC Card IBM 16/4 ISA Adapter IBM Auto 16/4 Token-Ring ISA Adapter IBM Token Ring 16/4 Credit Card Adapter IBM Token Ring Auto 16/4 Credit Card Adapter IBM Turbo 16/4 Token Ring PC Card 3Com 3C619 TokenLink 3Com 3C319 TokenLink Velocity 3Com 3C389 TokenLink Velocity PC Card SOURCE ROUTING
Setting IFF_LINK0 enables Token-Ring source routing. Setting IFF_LINK1 uses all-routes broadcasts otherwise single-route broadcasts are used. NOTES
The MCA attachment has been only tested on IBM Token Ring 16/4 Adapter/A so far. It doesn't support ifmedia(4) yet, too. SEE ALSO
ifmedia(4), intro(4), isa(4), isapnp(4), mca(4), pcmcia(4), ifconfig(8) HISTORY
The tr driver appeared in NetBSD 1.4. BUGS
The PCMCIA attachment does not work with the cbb(4) CardBus driver. BSD
April 14, 1999 BSD
Man Page

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