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cec(4) [netbsd man page]

CEC(4)							   BSD Kernel Interfaces Manual 						    CEC(4)

cec -- IEEE488 GPIB controller boards SYNOPSIS
cec* at isa? port 0x2b8 irq 5 drq 1 gpib* at cec? DESCRIPTION
The cec driver supports GPIB (IEEE488) controller boards based on the NEC uPD7210 GPIB controller chip. The following boards are supported: - Capital Equipment Corp. IEEE488 board - Keithley GPIB boards The following GPIB boards are similar and support should be available reasonably easily: - HAMEG HO-80 IEEE488 board - National Instruments PCII board - Measurement Computing (Computer Boards) ISA GPIB boards SEE ALSO
gpib(4), isa(4) HISTORY
The cec driver appeared in NetBSD 2.0. BSD
May 24, 2003 BSD

Check Out this Related Man Page

PCII(4) 						   BSD Kernel Interfaces Manual 						   PCII(4)

pcii -- National Instruments PCIIA GPIB controller driver SYNOPSIS
device pcii In /boot/device.hints:"isa" hint.pcii.0.port="0x2e1" hint.pcii.0.irq="7" hint.pcii.0.drq="1" DESCRIPTION
The pcii driver provides support for driving an IEEE-488 bus, also called IEC-625 (or just "IEC bus"), or HP-IB (Hewlett Packard Instrument Bus), or GPIB (General Purpose Instrument Bus). The driver supports National Instruments PCIIA cards (sometimes also referred to as PC2A) and compatibles. These cards use a NEC uPD7210 controller IC as the main interface between the host computer and the instrument bus. IO memory space layout The PCIIA cards use a very specific IO memory space allocation layout. The address bits A0 through A9 (which have traditionally been the only address bits evaluated on IBM PC XT extension cards) are hardwired to address 0x2e1. Bits A10 through A12 are used by the uPD7210 reg- ister select lines. This makes the individual 7210 registers being 0x400 bytes apart in the ISA bus address space. Address bits A13 and A14 are compared to a DIP switch setting on the card, allowing for up to 4 different cards being installed (at base addresses 0x2e1, 0x22e1, 0x42e1, and 0x62e1, respectively). A15 has been used to select an optional on-board time-of-day clock chip (MM58167A) on the original PCIIA rather than the uPD7210 (which is not implemented on later boards and clones). Finally, the IO addresses 0x2f0 ... 0x2f7 are used for a special interrupt handling feature (re-enable interrupts so the IRQ can be shared), where actually only address 0x2f0 plus the actual IRQ level is required for each card. Some clones do not appear to require this special IRQ handling, and are thus likely to not support the shared IRQ feature. Only the base address of the card needs to be specified in the ISA device hints; the driver takes care to derive all other IO addresses needed during the probe phase. Supported cards The following cards are known to be supported: o B&C Microsystems PC488A-0 o National Instruments GPIB-PCII/PCIIA (in PCIIa mode) o Axiom AX5488 SEE ALSO
gpib(3), gpib(4), device.hints(5) HISTORY
The pcii driver was written by Poul-Henning Kamp, and first appeared in FreeBSD 5.4. AUTHORS
This manual page was written by Jorg Wunsch. BSD
January 24, 2010 BSD
Man Page

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