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btmagic(4) [netbsd man page]

BTMAGIC(4)						   BSD Kernel Interfaces Manual 						BTMAGIC(4)

btmagic -- Apple Magic Mouse SYNOPSIS
btmagic* at bthub? wsmouse* at btmagic? DESCRIPTION
The btmagic driver provides support for the Bluetooth ``Magic Mouse'' from Apple, Inc. As remote devices cannot be discovered by autoconfig, configuring a mouse is normally carried out with the btdevctl(8) program. The Magic Mouse uses the standard USB Human Interface Device protocol to communicate, but does not provide a proper HID Descriptor, and requires specific initializations to enable the proprietary touch reports. The Magic Mouse provides basic mouse functionality with two buttons, and the btmagic driver additionally interprets the touch reports to emu- late a middle mouse button when more than one firm touch is detected during a click event, plus horizontal and vertical scrolling for touch movements greater than a certain distance. The mouse has a base resolution of 1300dpi, which the driver scales by default to a less sensi- tive 650dpi, but this is adjustable with sysctl(8) along with the pressure needed to discern a firm touch, the minimum distance necessary to trigger scrolling and the additional downscale factor applied to scroll movements. btmagic interfaces to the system as usual through the wsmouse(4) driver, and the following properties are used during autoconfiguration: vendor-id Must be 0x05ac. product-id Must be 0x030d. local-bdaddr Local device address. remote-bdaddr Remote device address. link-mode This optional string represents the link mode of the baseband link, and may be one of 'auth', 'encrypt', or 'secure'. When the btmagic driver has configured, it will attempt to open a connection to the mouse and, if this fails or the connection is lost, will wait for the mouse to initiate connections. The Magic Mouse requires connections to be authenticated, and should accept a PIN of '0000' dur- ing the pairing process. SEE ALSO
bluetooth(4), bthub(4), wsmouse(4), btdevctl(8), sysctl(8) HISTORY
The btmagic driver was written by Iain Hibbert with reference to the Linux driver written by Michael Poole. BSD
October 11, 2010 BSD

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WSMOUSE(9)						   BSD Kernel Developer's Manual						WSMOUSE(9)

wsmouse, wsmouse_input, wsmousedevprint -- wscons mouse support SYNOPSIS
#include <dev/wscons/wsconsio.h> #include <dev/wscons/wsmousevar.h> void wsmouse_input(struct device *msdev, u_int btns, int x, int y, int z, int w, u_int flags); int wsmousedevprint(void *aux, const char *pnp); DESCRIPTION
The wsmouse module is a component of the wscons(9) framework to provide machine-independent mouse support. Most of the support is provided by the wsmouse(4) device driver, which must be a child of the hardware device driver. DATA TYPES
Mouse drivers providing support for wscons pointer devices will make use of the following data types: struct wsmouse_accessops A structure used to specify the mouse access functions. All pointer devices must provide this structure and pass it to the wsmouse(4) child device. It has the following members: int (*enable)(void *); int (*ioctl)(void *v, u_long cmd, void *data, int flag, struct lwp *l); void (*disable)(void *); The enable member defines the function to be called to enable monitoring pointer movements and passing these events to wscons. The disable member defines the function to disable movement events. The ioctl member defines the function to be called to perform mouse-specific ioctl calls. There is a void * cookie provided by the mouse driver associated with these functions, which is passed to them when they are invoked. struct wsmousedev_attach_args A structure used to attach the wsmouse(4) child device. It has the following members: const struct wsmouse_accessops *accessops; void *accesscookie; FUNCTIONS
wsmouse_input(msdev, btns, x, y, z, w, flags) Callback from the mouse driver to the wsmouse interface driver. Arguments are as follows: msdev This is the struct device pointer passed from config_found() on attaching the child wsmouse(4) to specify the mouse device. btns This specifies the current button status. Bits for pressed buttons (which will cause the WSCONS_EVENT_MOUSE_DOWN event on wsmouse(4) device) should be set, and bits for released buttons (which will cause the WSCONS_EVENT_MOUSE_UP event) should be zero. The left most button state should be in LSB, i.e. for typical three button mouse, the left button is 0x01, the middle button is 0x02, and the right button is 0x04. x Absolute or relative X-axis value to specify the pointer coordinate. Rightward (moving the mouse right) is positive. y Absolute or relative Y-axis value to specify the pointer coordinate. Upward (moving the mouse forward) is positive. Note that this aspect is opposite from the one used in the X server dix layer. z Absolute or relative Z-axis value to specify the pointer coordinate. Usually this axis is used for the wheel. Downward (turning the wheel backward) is positive. w Absolute or relative W-axis value to specify the pointer coordinate. Usually this axis would be used for the horizontal com- ponent of the wheel. flags This argument specifies whether the pointer device and the measurement of the x, y, z, and w axes is in relative or absolute mode. Valid values for flags are: WSMOUSE_INPUT_DELTA Relative mode. WSMOUSE_INPUT_ABSOLUTE_X Absolute mode in x axis. WSMOUSE_INPUT_ABSOLUTE_Y Absolute mode in y axis. WSMOUSE_INPUT_ABSOLUTE_Z Absolute mode in z axis. WSMOUSE_INPUT_ABSOLUTE_W Absolute mode in w axis. wsmousedevprint(aux, pnp) The default wsmouse printing routine used by config_found(). (see autoconf(9)). AUTOCONFIGURATION
Mouse drivers which want to use the wsmouse module must be a parent to the wsmouse(4) device and provide an attachment interface. To attach the wsmouse(4) device, the mouse driver must allocate and populate a wsmousedev_attach_args structure with the supported operations and call- backs and call config_found() to perform the attach (see autoconf(9)). OPERATION
When a mouse-movement event is received, the device driver must perform any necessary movement decoding to wscons events and pass the events to wscons via wsmouse_input(). The wscons framework calls back into the hardware driver by invoking the functions that are specified in the accessops structure. The enable() and disable() functions are relatively simple and self-explanatory. The ioctl() function is called by the wscons interface to per- form mouse-specific ioctl operations (see ioctl(2)). The argument cmd to the ioctl() function specifies the specific command to perform using the data data. Valid commands are listed in sys/dev/wscons/wsconsio.h. CODE REFERENCES
The wscons subsystem is implemented within the directory sys/dev/wscons. The wsmouse module itself is implement within the file sys/dev/wscons/wsmouse.c. ioctl(2) operations are listed in sys/dev/wscons/wsconsio.h. SEE ALSO
ioctl(2), pms(4), wscons(4), wsmouse(4), autoconf(9), driver(9), intro(9), wscons(9), wsdisplay(9), wskbd(9) BSD
November 12, 2006 BSD
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