AMS(4) BSD Kernel Interfaces Manual AMS(4)NAME
ams -- Apple Desktop Bus mouse driver for wscons
ams* at obio?
wsmouse* at ams?
This driver provides the wscons(4) driver with support for Apple Desktop Bus mice.
NetBSD is known to support the following ADB mice:
o On-board trackpads and trackballs in PowerBook models
o Apple Desktop Bus Mouse
o Apple Desktop Bus Mouse II
o Interex ADB Mouse
o Logitech TrackMan
o Logitech MouseMan
o Microspeed Mouse Deluxe
o Mouse Systems A3 Mouse
o Most third-party ADB mice, trackballs, and trackpads are supported
ams0 at adb0 addr 3: 1-button, 100 dpi mouse This is a typical autoconfiguration message noting the presence of the ams mouse.
SEE ALSO adb(4), wscons(4), wsmouse(4), wsconsctl(8)BSD September 21, 2003 BSD
I have earthlink DSL and my SPARC 5 system is connected through a cable to my wireless netgear router. I dont have an account name, i dont have a domain name, I get my IP adress dynamically from my ISP, and I dont have a DNS Name but i do have 2 DNS IP adresses.
Can someone plz help me set up... (14 Replies)
I need to get a section of a file based on 2 params. I want the part of the file between param 1 & 2. I have tried a bunch of ways and just can't seem to get it right. Can someone please help me out.....its much appreciated. Here is what I have found that looks like what I want....but doesn't... (12 Replies)
Hi all,
I need to call some script (s1) from within my shell script (s2). s1 accepts parameters and I want to feed it with values of params from my script. I tried many things but none work (I am so much of a beginner), please help
one of my attempts :
... (12 Replies)
Hi Everyone,
I am trying to write a shell script that can find the longest phrase that appears at least twice in an online news article. The HTML has been parsed through an HTML parser, converted to XML and the article content extracted. I have put this article content in a text file to work... (24 Replies)
Does awk ever resolve params in the search pattern?..
The following awk doesnt know how to resolve ${tables}$ inside a loop.
k=`awk '/${tables}$/ ${graph}`
The search pattern has ${tables}$ and I am narrowing down my search with a $ at the end of string.
So...this leaves me with a... (13 Replies)
Here is an example code that shows the issue I have:
counter() {
seq 1000 | while read NUM; do
echo $NUM
echo "debug: $NUM" >&2
sleep 0.1 # slow it down so we know when this loop really ends
counter | grep --line-buffered "" | head -n1
... (10 Replies)
Let's find out about users of Android. I'm becoming a big Android follower. You?
After a lot of research, I am thinking to by the Samsung Galaxy S as soon as it updates to Android 2.2.
I'm also closely following the release of the Samsung Galaxy Tab! (14 Replies)
I'm about to make the switch over to Android OS for my mobile phone. I'm thinking my first Android phone might be something like a Samsung Galaxy S or an HTC Desire HD, or I might wait for one of the new Android tablets coming out later this year (like the Samsung 7" tablet on Android).
Was... (10 Replies)
Hi Team,
I have four shell scripts and i need to put it into one script and call based on requirement.
For example:
If server is Linux and version of my software version is 5 then it should call 1st scipt
If server is Solaris and version of my software version is 6 then it should call... (16 Replies)
Hi all
I tried to remove duplicates using all code mentione dbelow but its not wroking it's seems busy please check it
sort -u filename.txt
perl -lne 'chomp; if(!defined $x{$_}){$x{$_}=1;print}' inputfile
out of attached files
log file(input)
log2file(output) (9 Replies)
I am connecting a samsung smartphone (galaxy s3) to a freebsd machine. It does not automatically mount. When plugging this machine in, the following message appears:
ugen 7.2: <SAMSUNG> at usbus7
When disconnecting, the following message appears:
ugen 7.2: <SAMSUNG> at usbus7 (disconnected)... (13 Replies)
I have several makefiles to build various programs in a software suite (currently 4 programs). I want to create a main Makefile so that I can build everything I need.
Unsure on the way I should proceed, for example using
or calling
$(MAKE) -f ./mk/Makefile nfdtc
Here... (15 Replies)
I would like to control and check the right parameters
$1 must have 4 alphabetics digits among eora qora pora fora
$2 must have 2 numerics digits 00 to 11
$3 must have 2 numerics digits 00 to 59
$4 must have 10 characters alpha numerics as 2013-02-26
For example :
In case 5) if i... (15 Replies)
1. The problem statement, all variables and given/known data:
Get each of these programs to run. Prove that you've done this(use script). Give a description of each program along with sample executions.
These are the exact programs we were given.
2. Relevant commands, code, scripts,... (11 Replies)