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akbd(4) [netbsd man page]

AKBD(4) 						   BSD Kernel Interfaces Manual 						   AKBD(4)

akbd -- Apple Desktop Bus keyboard driver for wscons SYNOPSIS
akbd* at obio? wskbd* at akbd? console ? options ALTXBUTTONS options CAPS_IS_CONTROL options FORCE_FUNCTION_KEYS DESCRIPTION
This driver provides the wscons(4) driver with support for Apple Desktop Bus keyboards. To work around the limited number of buttons found on most ADB mice, one can map key sequences to trigger mouse button events. To map Option+1, Option+2, Option+3 to mouse buttons 1, 2, and 3 respectively, add the following line to your kernel configuration file: options ALTXBUTTONS On macppc systems it is possible to tweak the keyboard driver to treat the caps lock key on an ADB keyboard as a control key. This requires special remapping because of ADB's strange emulation of a mechanically-locked key. To enable this code add the following line to your kernel configuration file: options CAPS_IS_CONTROL On macppc PowerBooks, several function keys double as "hot keys" (brightness, volume, eject) when the Fn modifier is held down. Mac OS X likes to reprogram the keyboard controller to send hot key events when Fn is not held down and send function key events when it is. To transform the non-keyboard "button" events back into function key events, place the following line in your kernel configuration file: options FORCE_FUNCTION_KEYS SUPPORTED HARDWARE
NetBSD is known to support the following ADB keyboards: o On-board keyboards on PowerBook models o Apple Standard Keyboard o Apple Keyboard II o Apple Extended Keyboard o Apple Extended Keyboard II o Apple Adjustable Keyboard o Most third-party ADB keyboards are supported SEE ALSO
adb(4), wscons(4), wskbd(4), wsconsctl(8) BUGS
The number pad on extended keyboards does not send out the proper key codes for many applications. The LEDs on extended keyboards are not functional under NetBSD. BSD
September 21, 2003 BSD

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WSMOUSE(4)						   BSD Kernel Interfaces Manual 						WSMOUSE(4)

wsmouse -- generic mouse support in wscons SYNOPSIS
wsmouse* at pms? mux 0 (PS/2 mouse, including ``IntelliMouse''-compatible wheel mice) wsmouse* at ums? mux 0 (USB mouse) wsmouse* at uts? mux 0 (USB touchscreen) wsmouse* at lms? mux 0 (Logitech bus mouse, i386 only) wsmouse* at mms? mux 0 (Microsoft InPort mouse, i386 only) wsmouse0 at ams? mux 0 (Apple ADB mouse) wsmouse* at btms? mux 0 (Bluetooth mouse) wsmouse* at lkms? mux 0 (DEC VSXXX serial mice) DESCRIPTION
The wsmouse driver is an abstraction layer for mice within the wscons(4) framework. It is attached to the hardware specific mouse drivers and provides a character device interface which returns struct wscons_event via read(2). For use with X servers, ``mouse events'' can be generated. The wsconsctl(8) utility gives access to several configurable details that affect this driver. Ioctls The following ioctl(2) calls are provided by the wsmouse driver or by devices which use it. Their definitions are found in dev/wscons/wsconsio.h. WSMOUSEIO_GETREPEAT (struct wsmouse_repeat) Retrieve the current automatic button repeating configuration. The structure returned is as follows: struct wsmouse_repeat { unsigned long wr_buttons; unsigned int wr_delay_first; unsigned int wr_delay_decrement; unsigned int wr_delay_minimum; }; The wr_buttons field is a bit mask that specifies which buttons send press and release events periodically while they are phys- ically held down. The least significant bit corresponds to button 0. The other three fields describe the frequency upon which these automatic events are sent. wr_delay_first specifies the mil- liseconds before the first repeated event is sent. wr_delay_decrement is used to calculate the delay between the most recently generated event and the forthcoming one: the previous delay is taken and it is decreased by the value given in this variable. wr_delay_minimum specifies the minimum delay, in milliseconds, between two consecutive events. WSMOUSEIO_SETREPEAT (struct wsmouse_repeat) Set the automatic button repeating configuration. See WSMOUSEIO_GETREPEAT above for more details. WSMOUSEIO_SETVERSION (int) Set the wscons_event protocol version. The default is 0 for binary compatibility. The latest version is always available as WSMOUSE_EVENT_VERSION, and is currently 1. All new code should use a call similar to the below to ensure the correct version is returned. int ver = WSMOUSE_EVENT_VERSION; if (ioctl(fd, WSMOUSEIO_SETVERSION, &ver) == -1) err(EXIT_FAILURE, "cannot set version"); FILES
/dev/wsmouse* /usr/include/dev/wscons/wsconsio.h. SEE ALSO
btms(4), lms(4), mms(4), pms(4), uep(4), ums(4), uts(4), wscons(4), wsmux(4), moused(8), wsconsctl(8), wsmoused(8), wsmouse(9) BSD
May 27, 2012 BSD
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