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adw(4) [netbsd man page]

ADW(4)							   BSD Kernel Interfaces Manual 						    ADW(4)

adw -- ConnectCom Solutions AdvanSys PCI Ultra Wide SCSI host adapter driver SYNOPSIS
adw* at pci? dev ? function ? scsibus* at adw? options FAILSAFE options SCSI_ADW_WDTR_DISABLE=mask options SCSI_ADW_SDTR_DISABLE=mask options SCSI_ADW_TAGQ_DISABLE=mask DESCRIPTION
The adw driver provides support for the ADW (AdvanSys) ABP-940UW, ASB-3940UW, ASB-3940U2W SCSI host adapters. The following kernel configuration options are available: options FAILSAFE Disables tagged command queuing, wide data transfers and synchronous data transfers for all SCSI devices controlled by the adw driver. By default, tagged command queuing, wide data transfers and synchronous data transfers are used if the SCSI devices support them. The following options use a mask to specify which SCSI peripherals the option applies to. The mask is a 16 bit bitfield value. Each bit cor- responds to a peripheral ID. The LSB (bit 0) corresponds to the peripheral with ID 0. The MSB (bit 15) corresponds to the peripheral with ID 15. The following features cannot be disabled for the host adapter, which by default has ID 7. options SCSI_ADW_WDTR_DISABLE=mask Disable WIDE data transfer for the peripherals specified by the mask value. options SCSI_ADW_SDTR_DISABLE=mask Disable SYNCHRONOUS data transfer for the peripherals specified by the mask value. options SCSI_ADW_TAGQ_DISABLE=mask Disable TAGGED COMMAND QUEUING for the peripherals specified by the mask value. SEE ALSO
cd(4), ch(4), intro(4), scsi(4), sd(4), st(4), uk(4) HISTORY
The adw device driver appeared in NetBSD 1.4. AUTHORS
Baldassare Dante Profeta <>. BSD
February 3, 2000 BSD

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ESIOP(4)						   BSD Kernel Interfaces Manual 						  ESIOP(4)

esiop -- Enhanced Symbios Logic/NCR 53c8xx SCSI driver SYNOPSIS
esiop* at pci? dev ? function ? options SIOP_SYMLED scsibus* at esiop? DESCRIPTION
The esiop driver provides improved support over siop(4) for the Symbios Logic/NCR 53x8xx series of SCSI controller chips: - 53c825 and 53c825a (Fast-Wide SCSI) - 53c875 and 53c875j (Ultra-Wide SCSI) - 53c876 (Dual Ultra-Wide SCSI) - 53c885 (Ultra-Wide SCSI and Ethernet) - 53c895 (Ultra2-Wide SCSI) - 53c896 (PCI 64bit, dual Ultra2-Wide SCSI) - 53c1010-33 (PCI 64bit, dual Ultra160 SCSI) - 53c1510d (PCI 64bit, dual Ultra2-wide SCSI) Older adapters are supported by the siop(4) driver. The SIOP_SYMLED option causes the driver to report SCSI activity on the GPIO pin 1, which is connected to the activity LED on some adapters. At this time only the 53c895 based Symbios and Tekram adapters are known to require this. SEE ALSO
cd(4), ch(4), intro(4), pci(4), scsi(4), sd(4), siop(4), st(4), uk(4) HISTORY
The esiop driver first appeared in NetBSD 1.6. AUTHORS
The esiop driver was written by Manuel Bouyer <> for NetBSD. BSD
April 23, 2002 BSD
Man Page

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