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GraphicCompTool(3U)					    InterViews Reference Manual 				       GraphicCompTool(3U)

GraphicCompTool - tool for instantiating graphical components SYNOPSIS
#include <Unidraw/Tools/grcomptool.h> DESCRIPTION
A GraphicCompTool lets the user instantiate graphical components by direct manipulation. The GraphicCompTool keeps a prototypical compo- nent that defines the type of component it can instantiate. PUBLIC OPERATIONS
GraphicCompTool(ControlInfo*, GraphicComp* prototype) GraphicCompTool() Create a new GraphicCompTool, supplying the prototypical GraphicComp. (You should not normally call the parameterless constructor, which Creator requires.) The first constructor creates a graphical view of the prototype for internal use. virtual Manipulator* CreateManipulator( Viewer*, Event&, Transformer* ) virtual void InterpretManipulator(Manipulator*) CreateManipulator clears the editor's selection and delegates manipulator creation and interpretation to the graphical view of the prototype. GraphicComp* GetPrototype() Return the prototypical GraphicComp. SEE ALSO
GraphicComp(3U), Tool(3U) Unidraw 24 January 1991 GraphicCompTool(3U)

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LineComp(3U)						    InterViews Reference Manual 					      LineComp(3U)

LineComp, LineView, PSLine, MultiLineComp, MultiLineView, PSMultiLine - line and multiline component subject, view, and PostScript external representation SYNOPSIS
#include <Unidraw/Components/line.h> DESCRIPTION
LineComp is a GraphicComp that defines a line. It uses an Line graphic to store its graphical attributes. LineView is a GraphicView for displaying the line. PSLine is a PostScriptView that externalizes the subject's information in PostScript form. The MultiLine counter- parts of these classes define the component and external representation for a contiguous set of line segments, i.e., an open polygon. Mul- tiLineComp is derived from VerticesComp, MultiLineView is a VerticesView, and PSMultiLine is a PSVertices. LINECOMP PUBLIC OPERATIONS
LineComp(Line* = nil) The constructor takes an optional line graphic that defines the attributes of the line. virtual void Interpret(Command*) LineComp redefines Interpret to ignore PatternCmds. Line* GetLine() Return the Line graphic that defines the line's attributes. GetLine is simply a more specific form of the GetGraphic operation. LINEVIEW PUBLIC OPERATIONS
LineView(LineComp* = nil) Create an LineView, optionally supplying the subject. virtual void Interpret(Command*) LineView interprets AlignToGridCmd to align its first endpoint to the grid. virtual Manipulator* CreateManipulator( Viewer*, Event&, Transformer*, Tool* ) virtual void InterpretManipulator(Manipulator*) LineView redefines its response to manipulation with a GraphicCompTool. The user clicks to specify the first endpoint of the line and then drags to position remaining endpoint. The endpoints will be constrained by gravity, if any. LineView also defines a response to the ReshapeTool, allowing the user to click on one of its endpoints to reposition it. The subject is actually replaced (via ReplaceCmd) with a new LineComp subject reflecting the repositioned endpoint. Repositioning will be influenced by gravity. virtual void GetEndpoints(Coord&, Coord&, Coord&, Coord&) Return the line's endpoints, in canvas coordinates. LineComp* GetLineComp() Return the subject. LINEVIEW PROTECTED OPERATIONS
virtual void CreateHandles() LineView redefines CreateHandles to use a RubberHandles object with two handles, one at each endpoint of the line. PSLINE PUBLIC OPERATIONS
PSLine(LineComp* = nil) Construct a PostScript external representation of the given subject, if any. MULTILINECOMP PUBLIC OPERATIONS
MultiLineComp(SF_MultiLine* = nil) The constructor takes an optional stroked-filled multiline graphic that defines the attributes of the multiline. SF_MultiLine* GetMultiLine() Return the MultiLine graphic that defines the multiline's attributes. GetMultiLine is simply a more specific form of the GetGraphic operation. MULTILINEVIEW PUBLIC OPERATIONS
MultiLineView(MultiLineComp* = nil) Create an MultiLineView, optionally supplying the subject. virtual Manipulator* CreateManipulator( Viewer*, Event&, Transformer*, Tool* ) virtual void InterpretManipulator(Manipulator*) MultiLineView redefines its response to manipulation with a GraphicCompTool. The user clicks the left mouse button to specify each vertex and clicks with the middle mouse button to specify the final vertex. Vertex positioning will be constrained by gravity, if any. MultiLineView also defines a response to the ReshapeTool, allowing the user to click on one of its vertices to reposition it. The subject is actually replaced (via ReplaceCmd) with a new MultiLineComp subject reflecting the repositioned vertex. Reposition- ing will be influenced by gravity. MultiLineComp* GetMultiLineComp() Return the subject. PSMULTILINE PUBLIC OPERATIONS
PSMultiLine(MultiLineComp* = nil) Construct a PostScript external representation of the given subject, if any. PSMULTILINE PROTECTED OPERATIONS
virtual const char* Name() PSMultiLine identifies itself as "MLine" in the PostScript output. SEE ALSO
Event(3I), GraphicComp(3U), GraphicCompTool(3U), GraphicView(3U), Grid(3U), PatternCmd(3U), PostScriptView(3U), ReshapeTool(3U), Rub- band(3I), Transformer(3I), VerticesComp(3U), Viewer(3U), align(3U), edit(3U), lines(3U) Unidraw 22 January 1991 LineComp(3U)
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