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wunderscore(3) [netbsd man page]

CURSES_UNDERSCORE(3)					   BSD Library Functions Manual 				      CURSES_UNDERSCORE(3)

curses_underscore, underscore, underend, wunderscore, wunderend -- curses underscore attribute manipulation routines LIBRARY
Curses Library (libcurses, -lcurses) SYNOPSIS
#include <curses.h> int underscore(void); int underend(void); int wunderscore(void); int wunderend(void); DESCRIPTION
These functions manipulate the underscore attribute on stdscr or on the specified window. The underscore() function turns on the underscore attribute on stdscr. The underend() function turns off the underscore attribute on stdscr. The wunderscore() and wunderend() functions are equivalent to underscore() and underend(), respectively, excepting that the attribute is manipulated on the window specified by win. The underscore() and underend() functions are equivalent to wattron(A_UNDERLINE) and wattroff(A_UNDERLINE), respectively. RETURN VALUES
These functions always return 1. SEE ALSO
curses_attributes(3), curses_standout(3) STANDARDS
The NetBSD Curses library complies with the X/Open Curses specification, part of the Single Unix Specification. HISTORY
These functions first appeared in NetBSD 1.5. BSD
October 13, 2002 BSD

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CURSES_STANDOUT(3)					   BSD Library Functions Manual 					CURSES_STANDOUT(3)

curses_standout, standout, standend, wstandout, wstandend -- curses standout attribute manipulation routines LIBRARY
Curses Library (libcurses, -lcurses) SYNOPSIS
#include <curses.h> int standout(void); int standend(void); int wstandout(void); int wstandend(void); DESCRIPTION
These functions manipulate the standout attribute on stdscr or on the specified window. The standout() function turns on the standout attribute on stdscr. The standend() function turns off the standout attribute on stdscr. The wstandout() and wstandend() functions are equivalent to standout() and standend(), respectively, excepting that the attribute is manipu- lated on the window specified by win. The standout() and standend() functions are equivalent to attron(A_STANDOUT) and attroff(A_STANDOUT), respectively. RETURN VALUES
These functions always return 1. SEE ALSO
curses_attributes(3), curses_underscore(3) STANDARDS
The NetBSD Curses library complies with the X/Open Curses specification, part of the Single Unix Specification. HISTORY
The Curses package appeared in 4.0BSD. BUGS
On modern terminals that support other attributes, there is no difference between characters displayed with the standout attribute set and those displayed with one of the other attributes set (usually bold). It is best to avoid using standout if the terminal supports other attributes. BSD
October 13, 2002 BSD
Man Page

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