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wcsftime(3) [netbsd man page]

WCSFTIME(3)						   BSD Library Functions Manual 					       WCSFTIME(3)

wcsftime -- convert date and time to a wide-character string LIBRARY
Standard C Library (libc, -lc) SYNOPSIS
#include <wchar.h> size_t wcsftime(wchar_t * restrict wcs, size_t maxsize, const wchar_t * restrict format, const struct tm * restrict timeptr); DESCRIPTION
The wcsftime() function is equivalent to the strftime() function except for the types of its arguments and the return value indicating the number of wide characters. Refer to strftime(3) for a detailed description. COMPATIBILITY
Some early implementations of wcsftime() had a format argument with type const char * instead of const wchar_t *. SEE ALSO
strftime(3), tm(3) STANDARDS
The wcsftime() function conforms to ISO/IEC 9899:1999 (``ISO C99''). BSD
April 14, 2011 BSD

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WCSFTIME(3)						   BSD Library Functions Manual 					       WCSFTIME(3)

wcsftime, wcsftime_l -- convert date and time to a wide-character string LIBRARY
Standard C Library (libc, -lc) SYNOPSIS
#include <wchar.h> size_t wcsftime(wchar_t *restrict wcs, size_t maxsize, const wchar_t *restrict format, const struct tm *restrict timeptr); #include <wchar.h> #include <xlocale.h> size_t wcsftime_l(wchar_t *restrict wcs, size_t maxsize, const wchar_t *restrict format, const struct tm *restrict timeptr, locale_t loc); DESCRIPTION
The wcsftime() function is equivalent to the strftime() function, except for the types of its arguments. Refer to strftime(3) for a detailed description. While the wcsftime() function uses the current locale, the wcsftime_l() function may be passed a locale directly. See xlocale(3) for more information. COMPATIBILITY
Some early implementations of wcsftime() had a format argument with type const char *, instead of const wchar_t *. SEE ALSO
strftime(3), xlocale(3) STANDARDS
The wcsftime() function conforms to ISO/IEC 9899:1999 (``ISO C99''). BSD
September 8, 2002 BSD
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