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ssl_get_verify_result(3) [netbsd man page]

SSL_get_verify_result(3)					      OpenSSL						  SSL_get_verify_result(3)

SSL_get_verify_result - get result of peer certificate verification LIBRARY
libcrypto, -lcrypto SYNOPSIS
#include <openssl/ssl.h> long SSL_get_verify_result(const SSL *ssl); DESCRIPTION
SSL_get_verify_result() returns the result of the verification of the X509 certificate presented by the peer, if any. NOTES
SSL_get_verify_result() can only return one error code while the verification of a certificate can fail because of many reasons at the same time. Only the last verification error that occurred during the processing is available from SSL_get_verify_result(). The verification result is part of the established session and is restored when a session is reused. BUGS
If no peer certificate was presented, the returned result code is X509_V_OK. This is because no verification error occurred, it does however not indicate success. SSL_get_verify_result() is only useful in connection with SSL_get_peer_certificate(3). RETURN VALUES
The following return values can currently occur: X509_V_OK The verification succeeded or no peer certificate was presented. Any other value Documented in openssl_verify(1). SEE ALSO
ssl(3), SSL_set_verify_result(3), SSL_get_peer_certificate(3), openssl_verify(1) 1.0.1i 2009-07-20 SSL_get_verify_result(3)

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SSL_get_verify_result(3SSL)					      OpenSSL					       SSL_get_verify_result(3SSL)

SSL_get_verify_result - get result of peer certificate verification SYNOPSIS
#include <openssl/ssl.h> long SSL_get_verify_result(const SSL *ssl); DESCRIPTION
SSL_get_verify_result() returns the result of the verification of the X509 certificate presented by the peer, if any. NOTES
SSL_get_verify_result() can only return one error code while the verification of a certificate can fail because of many reasons at the same time. Only the last verification error that occurred during the processing is available from SSL_get_verify_result(). The verification result is part of the established session and is restored when a session is reused. BUGS
If no peer certificate was presented, the returned result code is X509_V_OK. This is because no verification error occurred, it does however not indicate success. SSL_get_verify_result() is only useful in connection with SSL_get_peer_certificate(3). RETURN VALUES
The following return values can currently occur: X509_V_OK The verification succeeded or no peer certificate was presented. Any other value Documented in verify(1). SEE ALSO
ssl(3), SSL_set_verify_result(3), SSL_get_peer_certificate(3), verify(1) 1.0.0e 2005-03-30 SSL_get_verify_result(3SSL)
Man Page

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