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puffs_node(3) [netbsd man page]

PUFFS_NODE(3)						   BSD Library Functions Manual 					     PUFFS_NODE(3)

puffs_node -- puffs node routines LIBRARY
puffs Convenience Library (libpuffs, -lpuffs) SYNOPSIS
#include <puffs.h> struct puffs_node * puffs_pn_new(struct puffs_usermount *pu, void *priv); void * puffs_nodewalk_fn(struct puffs_usermount *pu, struct puffs_node *pn, void *arg); void * puffs_pn_nodewalk(struct puffs_usermount *pu, puffs_nodewalk_fn nwfn, void *arg); void puffs_pn_remove(struct puffs_node *pn); void puffs_pn_put(struct puffs_node *pn); DESCRIPTION
puffs_pn_new(pu, priv) Create a new node and attach it to the mountpoint pu. The argument priv can be used for associating file system specific data with the new node and will not be accessed by puffs. puffs_nodewalk_fn(pu, pn, arg) A callback for puffs_nodewalk(). The list of nodes is iterated in the argument pn and the argument arg is the argument given to puffs_nodewalk(). puffs_nodewalk(pu, nwfn, arg) Walk all nodes associted with the mountpoint pu and call nwfn() for them. The walk is aborted if puffs_nodewalk_fn() returns a value which is not NULL. This value is also returned this function. In case the whole set of nodes is traversed, NULL is returned. This function is useful for example in handling the puffs_fs_sync() callback, when cached data for every node should be flushed to stable storage. puffs_pn_remove(pn) Signal that a node has been removed from the file system, but do not yet release resources associated with the node. This will prevent the nodewalk functions from accessing the node. If necessary, this is usually called from puffs_node_remove() and puffs_node_rmdir(). puffs_pn_put(pn) Free all resources associated with node pn. This is typically called from puffs_node_reclaim(). SEE ALSO
puffs(3) BSD
June 24, 2007 BSD

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struct::skiplist(n)						Tcl Data Structures					       struct::skiplist(n)


struct::skiplist - Create and manipulate skiplists SYNOPSIS
package require Tcl 8.2 package require struct::skiplist ?1.3? skiplistName option ?arg arg ...? skiplistName delete node ?node...? skiplistName destroy skiplistName insert key value skiplistName search node ?-key key? skiplistName size skiplistName walk cmd _________________________________________________________________ DESCRIPTION
The ::struct::skiplist command creates a new skiplist object with an associated global Tcl command whose name is skiplistName. This command may be used to invoke various operations on the skiplist. It has the following general form: skiplistName option ?arg arg ...? Option and the args determine the exact behavior of the command. Skip lists are an alternative data structure to binary trees. They can be used to maintain ordered lists over any sequence of insertions and deletions. Skip lists use randomness to achieve probabilistic balancing, and as a result the algorithms for insertion and deletion in skip lists are much simpler and faster than those for binary trees. To read more about skip lists see Pugh, William. Skip lists: a probabilistic alternative to balanced trees In: Communications of the ACM, June 1990, 33(6) 668-676. Currently, the key can be either a number or a string, and comparisons are performed with the built in greater than operator. The follow- ing commands are possible for skiplist objects: skiplistName delete node ?node...? Remove the specified nodes from the skiplist. skiplistName destroy Destroy the skiplist, including its storage space and associated command. skiplistName insert key value Insert a node with the given key and value into the skiplist. If a node with that key already exists, then the that node's value is updated and its node level is returned. Otherwise a new node is created and 0 is returned. skiplistName search node ?-key key? Search for a given key in a skiplist. If not found then 0 is returned. If found, then a two element list of 1 followed by the node's value is retuned. skiplistName size Return a count of the number of nodes in the skiplist. skiplistName walk cmd Walk the skiplist from the first node to the last. At each node, the command cmd will be evaluated with the key and value of the current node appended. BUGS, IDEAS, FEEDBACK This document, and the package it describes, will undoubtedly contain bugs and other problems. Please report such in the category struct :: skiplist of the Tcllib SF Trackers []. Please also report any ideas for enhancements you may have for either package and/or documentation. KEYWORDS
skiplist COPYRIGHT
Copyright (c) 2000 Keith Vetter struct 1.3 struct::skiplist(n)
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