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pthread_resume_np(3) [netbsd man page]

PTHREAD_SUSPEND_NP(3)					   BSD Library Functions Manual 				     PTHREAD_SUSPEND_NP(3)

pthread_suspend_np, pthread_resume_np -- suspend/resume the given thread LIBRARY
POSIX Threads Library (libpthread, -lpthread) SYNOPSIS
#include <pthread.h> int pthread_suspend_np(pthread_t thread); int pthread_resume_np(pthread_t thread); DESCRIPTION
The pthread_suspend_np() function suspends the thread given as argument. If thread is the currently running thread as returned by pthread_self(3), the function fails and returns EDEADLK. Otherwise, it removes the named thread from the running queue, and adds it to the suspended queue. The thread will remain blocked until pthread_resume_np() is called on it. In other words, pthread_resume_np() resumes the thread given as argument, if it was suspended. RETURN VALUES
Both functions return 0 on success and an error number indicating the reason for the failure. COMPATIBILITY
These functions are non-standard extensions. ERRORS
The pthread_suspend_np() function may fail if: [EDEADLK] The thread requested to suspend was the currently running thread. [ESRCH] The supplied thread was invalid. The pthread_resume_np() function may fail if: [ESRCH] The supplied thread was invalid. NOTES
Some pthread_suspend_np() implementations may allow suspending the current thread. This is dangerous, because the semantics of the function would then require the scheduler to schedule another thread, causing a thread context switch. Since that context switch can happen in a sig- nal handler by someone calling pthread_suspend_np() in a signal handler, this is currently not allowed. In pthread_resume_np() the NetBSD implementation does not check if the thread argument is not already suspended. Some implementations might return an error condition if pthread_resume_np() is called on a non-suspended thread. SEE ALSO
pthread_attr_setcreatesuspend_np(3), pthread_self(3) BSD
July 9, 2010 BSD

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pthread_join(3C)														  pthread_join(3C)

pthread_join - wait for thread termination SYNOPSIS
cc -mt [ flag... ] file... -lpthread [ library... ] #include <pthread.h> int pthread_join(pthread_t thread, void **status); The pthread_join() function suspends processing of the calling thread until the target thread completes. thread must be a member of the current process and it cannot be a detached thread. See pthread_create(3C). If two or more threads wait for the same thread to complete, all will suspend processing until the thread has terminated, and then one thread will return successfully and the others will return with an error of ESRCH. The pthread_join() function will not block processing of the calling thread if the target thread has already terminated. If a pthread_join() call returns successfully with a non-null status argument, the value passed to pthread_exit(3C) by the terminating thread will be placed in the location referenced by status. If the pthread_join() calling thread is cancelled, then the target thread will remain joinable by pthread_join(). However, the calling thread may set up a cancellation cleanup handler on thread prior to the join call, which may detach the target thread by calling pthread_detach(3C). See pthread_detach(3C) and pthread_cancel(3C). If successful, pthread_join() returns 0. Otherwise, an error number is returned to indicate the error. EDEADLK A joining deadlock would occur, such as when a thread attempts to wait for itself. EINVAL The thread corresponding to the given thread ID is a detached thread. ESRCH No thread could be found corresponding to the given thread ID. See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes: +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ | ATTRIBUTE TYPE | ATTRIBUTE VALUE | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |Interface Stability |Standard | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |MT-Level |MT-Safe | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ pthread_cancel(3C), pthread_create(3C), pthread_detach(3C), pthread_exit(3C), wait(3C), attributes(5), standards(5) The pthread_join(3C) function must specify the thread ID for whose termination it will wait. Calling pthread_join() also "detaches" the thread; that is, pthread_join() includes the effect of the pthread_detach() function. If a thread were to be cancelled when blocked in pthread_join(), an explicit detach would have to be performed in the cancellation cleanup han- dler. The pthread_detach() function exists primarily for this purpose. 23 Mar 2005 pthread_join(3C)
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