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pthread_atfork(3) [netbsd man page]

PTHREAD_ATFORK(3)					   BSD Library Functions Manual 					 PTHREAD_ATFORK(3)

pthread_atfork -- register handlers to be called when process forks LIBRARY
Standard C Library (libc, -lc) SYNOPSIS
#include <pthread.h> int pthread_atfork(void (*prepare)(void), void (*parent)(void), void (*child)(void)); DESCRIPTION
The pthread_atfork() function registers the provided handler functions to be called when the fork(2) function is called. Each of the three handlers is called at a different place in the fork(2) sequence. The prepare handler is called in the parent process before the fork hap- pens, the parent handler is called in the parent process after the fork has happened, and the child handler is called in the child process after the fork has happened. The parent and child handlers are called in the order in which they were registered, while the prepare handlers are called in reverse of the order in which they were registered. Any of the handlers given may be NULL. The intended use of pthread_atfork() is to provide a consistent state to a child process from a multithreaded parent process where locks may be acquired and released asynchronously with respect to the fork(2) call. Each subsystem with locks that are used in a child process should register handlers with pthread_atfork() that acquires those locks in the prepare handler and releases them in the parent handler. RETURN VALUES
The pthread_atfork() function returns 0 on success and an error number on failure. ERRORS
The following error code may be returned: [ENOMEM] Insufficient memory exists to register the fork handlers. SEE ALSO
The pthread_atfork() function conforms to IEEE Std 1003.1c-1995 (``POSIX.1''). HISTORY
The pthread_atfork() function first appeared in NetBSD 2.0. CAVEATS
After calling fork(2) from a multithreaded process, it is only safe to call async-signal-safe functions until calling one of the exec(3) functions. The pthread_*() functions are not async-signal-safe, so it is not safe to use such functions in the child handler. BUGS
There is no way to unregister a handler registered with pthread_atfork(). BSD
February 12, 2003 BSD

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PTHREAD_ATFORK(3)					     Library Functions Manual						 PTHREAD_ATFORK(3)

pthread_atfork - register handlers to be called at fork(2) time SYNOPSIS
#include <pthread.h> int pthread_atfork(void (*prepare)(void), void (*parent)(void), void (*child)(void)); DESCRIPTION
pthread_atfork registers handler functions to be called just before and just after a new process is created with fork(2). The prepare han- dler will be called from the parent process, just before the new process is created. The parent handler will be called from the parent process, just before fork(2) returns. The child handler will be called from the child process, just before fork(2) returns. One or several of the three handlers prepare, parent and child can be given as NULL, meaning that no handler needs to be called at the cor- responding point. pthread_atfork can be called several times to install several sets of handlers. At fork(2) time, the prepare handlers are called in LIFO order (last added with pthread_atfork, first called before fork), while the parent and child handlers are called in FIFO order (first added, first called). To understand the purpose of pthread_atfork, recall that fork(2) duplicates the whole memory space, including mutexes in their current locking state, but only the calling thread: other threads are not running in the child process. The mutexes are not usable after the fork and must be initialized with pthread_mutex_init in the child process. This is a limitation of the current implementation and might or might not be present in future versions. RETURN VALUE
pthread_atfork returns 0 on success and a non-zero error code on error. ERRORS
ENOMEM insufficient memory available to register the handlers. AUTHOR
Xavier Leroy <> SEE ALSO
fork(2), pthread_mutex_lock(3), pthread_mutex_unlock(3). LinuxThreads PTHREAD_ATFORK(3)
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