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pidfile(3) [netbsd man page]

PIDFILE(3)						   BSD Library Functions Manual 						PIDFILE(3)

pidfile -- write a daemon pid file LIBRARY
System Utilities Library (libutil, -lutil) SYNOPSIS
#include <util.h> int pidfile(const char *path); DESCRIPTION
pidfile() creates a file containing the process ID of the caller program. The pid file can be used as a quick reference if the process needs to be sent a signal. When the program exits, the pid file is removed automatically, unless the program receives a fatal signal. If path is NULL or a plain basename (a name containing no directory components), the pid file is created in the /var/run directory. The file name has the form /var/run/ The basename part is either the value of path if it was not NULL, or the program name as returned by getprogname(3) otherwise. If path is an absolute or relative path (i.e. it contains the '/' character), the pid file is created in the provided location. Note that only the first invocation of pidfile() causes a pid file to be written; subsequent invocations have no effect unless a new path is supplied. If called with a new path, pidfile() will remove the old pid file and write the new one. RETURN VALUES
pidfile() returns 0 on success and -1 on failure. SEE ALSO
atexit(3) HISTORY
The pidfile() function call appeared in NetBSD 1.5. Support for creating pid files in any arbitrary path was added in NetBSD 6.0. BUGS
pidfile() uses atexit(3) to ensure the pid file is unlinked at program exit. However, programs that use the _exit(2) function (for example, in signal handlers) will not trigger this behaviour. BSD
March 23, 2011 BSD

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File::Pid(3pm)						User Contributed Perl Documentation					    File::Pid(3pm)

File::Pid - Pid File Manipulation SYNOPSIS
use File::Pid; my $pidfile = File::Pid->new({ file => '/some/', }); $pidfile->write; if ( my $num = $pidfile->running ) { die "Already running: $num "; } $pidfile->remove; DESCRIPTION
This software manages a pid file for you. It will create a pid file, query the process within to discover if it's still running, and remove the pid file. new my $pidfile = File::Pid->new; my $thisfile = File::Pid->new({ file => '/var/run/', }); my $thisfileandpid = File::Pid->new({ file => '/var/run/', pid => '145', }); This constructor takes two optional paramters. "file" - The name of the pid file to work on. If not specified, a pid file located in "File::Spec->tmpdir()" will be created that matches "(File::Basename::basename($0))[0] . '.pid'". So, for example, if $0 is ~/bin/, the pid file will be /tmp/ "pid" - The pid to write to a new pidfile. If not specified, $$ is used when the pid file doesn't exist. When the pid file does exist, the pid inside it is used. file my $pidfile = $pidfile->file; Accessor/mutator for the filename used as the pid file. pid my $pid = $pidfile->pid; Accessor/mutator for the pid being saved to the pid file. write my $pid = $pidfile->write; Writes the pid file to disk, inserting the pid inside the file. On success, the pid written is returned. On failure, "undef" is returned. running my $pid = $pidfile->running; die "Service already running: $pid " if $pid; Checks to see if the pricess identified in the pid file is still running. If the process is still running, the pid is returned. Otherwise "undef" is returned. remove $pidfile->remove or warn "Couldn't unlink pid file "; Removes the pid file from disk. Returns true on success, false on failure. program_name This is a utility method that allows you to determine what "File::Pid" thinks the program name is. Internally this is used when no pid file is specified. SEE ALSO
perl. AUTHOR
Casey West, <>. COPYRIGHT
Copyright (c) 2005 Casey West. All rights reserved. This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. perl v5.8.8 2008-04-05 File::Pid(3pm)
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