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min(3) [netbsd man page]

PARAM(3)						   BSD Library Functions Manual 						  PARAM(3)

param -- common parameters SYNOPSIS
#include <sys/param.h> size MAX(size a, size b); size MIN(size a, size b); DESCRIPTION
The <sys/param.h> header includes some common definitions and macros specific to NetBSD. The header is perhaps best characterized as a ker- nel equivalent of <sys/types.h>. The following list summarizes the provided definitions and macros. o First and foremost, the header defines the version of NetBSD. This is defined as #define __NetBSD_Version__ 599004800 /* 5.99.48 */ The general format is ``MMmmrrpp00'', where 'MM' and 'mm' denote the major and minor version, respectively, 'rr' is provided for compatibility, and 'pp' defines the patch level. o Common utility macros such as MAX() and MIN() as well as more specific macros such as STACK(9), ctod(9), mstohz(9), roundup(9), and setbit(9). o Numerous miscellaneous definitions such as limits, constants for the kernel memoryallocators(9), scale factors used by the sched- uler, kthread(9) priorities, and many others. o Definitions provided for historical and compatibility reasons. Examples range from definitions such as ``#define BSD'' to old pri- ority levels used in the kernel. SEE ALSO
bitops(3), cdefs(3), types(3), unistd(3) HISTORY
A <param.h> header appeared already in the Version 4 AT&T UNIX. BSD
April 10, 2011 BSD

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CDEFS(3)						   BSD Library Functions Manual 						  CDEFS(3)

cdefs -- common definitions and macros SYNOPSIS
#include <sys/cdefs.h> DESCRIPTION
The <sys/cdefs.h> header includes some common definitions and macros typical to the C language conventions of NetBSD. Among these are: o Certain C language properties and definitions that are versioned according to the support in compilers. Examples include the __func__ keyword and the restrict type qualifier from C99. o Macros and definitions specific to compilers, preprocessors, and linkers; see __CONCAT(3), __UNCONST(3), __insn_barrier(3), and attribute(3). o Utility macros provided for convenience; see __arraycount(3) and bits(3). The header also contains the __RCSID() and __KERNEL_RCSID() macros used for version control system (VCS) identifiers. Thus, all NetBSD source code files typically include <sys/cdefs.h>, included as the first thing right after any possible copyright texts; /*- * Copyright (c) 1984 John Doe * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, * with or without modification, are permitted. */ #include <sys/cdefs.h> __RCSID("$NetBSD: cdefs.3,v 1.3 2011/04/08 07:55:04 jruoho Exp $"); It is possible to identify the RCS keyword strings by using ident(1). SEE ALSO
ident(1), param(3), stddef(3), types(3), c(7) HISTORY
The <sys/cdefs.h> header was originally imported from 386BSD. BSD
April 8, 2011 BSD
Man Page

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