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Manipulator Classes(3)						       Coin						    Manipulator Classes(3)

Manipulator Classes - Classes class SoCenterballManip The SoCenterballManip wraps an SoCenterballDragger for convenience. " class SoClipPlaneManip The SoClipPlaneManip class is used to manipulate clip planes. " class SoDirectionalLightManip The SoDirectionalLightManip class is used to manipulate SoDirectionalLight nodes. " class SoHandleBoxManip The SoHandleBoxManip class wraps an SoHandleBoxDragger for manipulating a transformation. " class SoJackManip The SoJackManip wraps an SoJackDragger for convenience. " class SoPointLightManip The SoPointLightManip class is used to manipulate point light nodes. " class SoSpotLightManip The SoSpotLightManip class is used to manipulate spot light nodes. " class SoTabBoxManip The SoTabBoxManip class wraps an SoTabBoxDragger. " class SoTrackballManip The SoTrackballManip wraps an SoTrackballDragger for convenience. " class SoTransformBoxManip The SoTransformBoxManip wraps an SoTransformBoxDragger for convenience. " class SoTransformManip The SoTransformManip class is used to manipulate transformations. A manipulator is used by replacing the node you want to edit in the graph with the manipulator. Draggers are used to to manipulate the node. When manipulation is finished, the node is put back into the graph, replacing the manipulator. " class SoTransformerManip The SoTransformerManip wraps an SoTransformerDragger for convenience. " Detailed Description Manipulators are objects you can swap back and forth into a scene graph at locations where you have an SoTransform node. They take the place of the SoTransform, continue to act like the SoTransform, but in addition give the user a 3D user interface, using draggers, for controlling the transform. When the user is done manipulating, the manipulator can swap itself back out, replacing itself with an SoTransform that represent the new transform value. Manipulators is one of the concepts that really made Open Inventor stand out against the alternatives when it came out. See also: Dragger Classes Author Generated automatically by Doxygen for Coin from the source code. Version 3.1.3 Wed May 23 2012 Manipulator Classes(3)

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Dragger Classes(3)						       Coin							Dragger Classes(3)

Dragger Classes - Classes class SoCenterballDragger The SoCenterballDragger class is a dragger you can rotate and translate. Here's how the dragger looks with its default geometry in the inactive state: " class SoDirectionalLightDragger The SoDirectionalLightDragger class provides interactive geometry for manipulating a directional light source. Here's how the dragger looks with its default geometry in the inactive state: " class SoDragPointDragger The SoDragPointDragger class provides mechanisms for moving a point in 3D. Here's how the dragger looks with its default geometry in the inactive state: " class SoDragger The SoDragger class is the base class for all draggers. Draggers is a mechanism used for letting the end-users of your application code interact with elements in 3D, by scaling, rotating or translating geometry or other instances in the scene (like cameras or lightsources). " class SoHandleBoxDragger The SoHandleBoxDragger class provides support for interactive scaling and translation. Here's how the dragger looks with its default geometry in the inactive state: " class SoJackDragger The SoJackDragger class is a dragger you can translate, rotate and scale. Here's how the dragger looks with its default geometry in the inactive state: " class SoPointLightDragger The SoPointLightDragger class provides interactive geometry for manipulating a point light source. Here's how the dragger looks with its default geometry in the inactive state: " class SoRotateCylindricalDragger The SoRotateCylindricalDragger class is for rotating geometry around a single axis. Here's how the dragger looks with its default geometry in the inactive state: " class SoRotateDiscDragger The SoRotateDiscDragger class is for rotating geometry around a single axis. Here's how the dragger looks with its default geometry in the inactive state: " class SoRotateSphericalDragger The SoRotateSphericalDragger class is for rotating geometry in any direction. Here's how the dragger looks with its default geometry in the inactive state: " class SoScale1Dragger The SoScale1Dragger class provides a mechanism for the end-user to scale in one dimension. Here's how the dragger looks with its default geometry in the inactive state: " class SoScale2Dragger The SoScale2Dragger class provides a mechanism for the end-user to scale in two dimensions. Here's how the dragger looks with its default geometry in the inactive state: " class SoScale2UniformDragger The SoScale2UniformDragger class provides a mechanism for the end-user to scale in two dimensions. Here's how the dragger looks with its default geometry in the inactive state: " class SoScaleUniformDragger The SoScaleUniformDragger class provides a mechanism for the end-user to scale in three dimensions. Here's how the dragger looks with its default geometry in the inactive state: " class SoSpotLightDragger The SoSpotLightDragger class provides interactive geometry for manipulating a spotlight. Here's how the dragger looks with its default geometry in the inactive state: " class SoTabBoxDragger The SoTabBoxDragger wraps a box around geometry you can then translate and scale. Here's how the dragger looks with its default geometry in the inactive state: " class SoTabPlaneDragger The SoTabPlaneDragger class is a dragger you can translate and scale within a plane. Here's how the dragger looks with its default geometry in the inactive state: " class SoTrackballDragger The SoTrackballDragger provides the end-user with rotation and scaling interaction possibilities. Here's how the dragger looks with its default geometry in the inactive state: " class SoTransformBoxDragger The SoTransformBoxDragger provides a box which can be translated, scaled and rotated. Here's how the dragger looks with its default geometry in the inactive state: " class SoTransformerDragger The SoTransformerDragger provides geometry for translation, scaling and rotations. Here's how the dragger looks with its default geometry in the inactive state: " class SoTranslate1Dragger The SoTranslate1Dragger class provides a mechanism for the end-user to translate along an axis. Here's how the dragger looks with its default geometry in the inactive state: " class SoTranslate2Dragger The SoTranslate2Dragger class provides a mechanism for the end-user to translate in a plane. Here's how the dragger looks with its default geometry in the inactive state: " Detailed Description Draggers are interactive components in the scene graph that respond to, and are controlled by mouse and keyboard events. They are used in manipulators as the user interface for the manipulation action, often many draggers combined at the same time. See also: Manipulator Classes Author Generated automatically by Doxygen for Coin from the source code. Version 3.1.3 Wed May 23 2012 Dragger Classes(3)
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