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labs(3) [netbsd man page]

ABS(3)							   BSD Library Functions Manual 						    ABS(3)

abs, labs, llabs, imaxabs -- functions for integer absolute value LIBRARY
Standard C Library (libc, -lc) SYNOPSIS
#include <stdlib.h> int abs(int x); long int labs(long int x); long long int llabs(long long int x); #include <inttypes.h> intmax_t imaxabs(intmax_t x); DESCRIPTION
These functions return the absolute value of the integer x. The listed functions differ only with respect to the type of the return value and x. SEE ALSO
cabs(3), fabs(3), floor(3), math(3) STANDARDS
The described functions conform to ISO/IEC 9899:1999 (``ISO C99''). BUGS
The absolute value of the most negative integer remains negative. BSD
April 13, 2011 BSD

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ABS(3)							     Linux Programmer's Manual							    ABS(3)

abs, labs, llabs, imaxabs - compute the absolute value of an integer SYNOPSIS
#include <stdlib.h> int abs(int j); long int labs(long int j); long long int llabs(long long int j); #include <inttypes.h> intmax_t imaxabs(intmax_t j); Feature Test Macro Requirements for glibc (see feature_test_macros(7)): llabs(): _XOPEN_SOURCE >= 600 || _ISOC99_SOURCE || _POSIX_C_SOURCE >= 200112L; or cc -std=c99 DESCRIPTION
The abs() function computes the absolute value of the integer argument j. The labs(), llabs() and imaxabs() functions compute the absolute value of the argument j of the appropriate integer type for the function. RETURN VALUE
Returns the absolute value of the integer argument, of the appropriate integer type for the function. ATTRIBUTES
Multithreading (see pthreads(7)) The abs(), labs(), llabs(), and imaxabs() functions are thread-safe. CONFORMING TO
SVr4, POSIX.1-2001, 4.3BSD, C99. C89 only includes the abs() and labs() functions; the functions llabs() and imaxabs() were added in C99. NOTES
Trying to take the absolute value of the most negative integer is not defined. The llabs() function is included in glibc since version 2.0, but is not in libc5 or libc4. The imaxabs() function is included in glibc since version 2.1.1. For llabs() to be declared, it may be necessary to define _ISOC99_SOURCE or _ISOC9X_SOURCE (depending on the version of glibc) before including any standard headers. GCC handles abs() and labs() as built-in functions. GCC 3.0 also handles llabs() and imaxabs() as built-ins. SEE ALSO
cabs(3), ceil(3), fabs(3), floor(3), rint(3) COLOPHON
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2013-06-21 ABS(3)
Man Page

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