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getmntinfo(3) [netbsd man page]

GETMNTINFO(3)						   BSD Library Functions Manual 					     GETMNTINFO(3)

getmntinfo -- get information about mounted file systems LIBRARY
Standard C Library (libc, -lc) SYNOPSIS
#include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/statvfs.h> int getmntinfo(struct statvfs **mntbufp, int flags); DESCRIPTION
The getmntinfo() function returns an array of statvfs structures describing each currently mounted file system (see statvfs(2)). The getmntinfo() function passes its flags parameter transparently to getvfsstat(2). RETURN VALUES
On successful completion, getmntinfo() returns a count of the number of elements in the array. The pointer to the array is stored into mntbufp. If an error occurs, zero is returned and the external variable errno is set to indicate the error. Although the pointer mntbufp will be unmodified, any information previously returned by getmntinfo() will be lost. ERRORS
The getmntinfo() function may fail and set errno for any of the errors specified for the library routines getvfsstat(2) or malloc(3). SEE ALSO
getvfsstat(2), mount(2), statvfs(2), mount(8) HISTORY
The getmntinfo() function first appeared in 4.4BSD. It was converted from using getfsstat(2) to getvfsstat(2) in NetBSD 3.0. BUGS
The getmntinfo() function writes the array of structures to an internal static object and returns a pointer to that object. Subsequent calls to getmntinfo() will modify the same object. The memory allocated by getmntinfo() cannot be free(3)'d by the application. BSD
April 14, 2004 BSD

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GETMNTINFO(3)						   BSD Library Functions Manual 					     GETMNTINFO(3)

getmntinfo getmntinfo_r_np getmntinfo64 -- get information about mounted file systems SYNOPSIS
#include <sys/param.h> #include <sys/ucred.h> #include <sys/mount.h> int getmntinfo(struct statfs **mntbufp, int flags); int getmntinfo_r_np(struct statfs **mntbufp, int flags); TRANSITIIONAL SYNOPSIS (NOW DEPRECATED) int getmntinfo64(struct statfs64 **mntbufp, int flags); DESCRIPTION
The getmntinfo() function returns an array of statfs structures describing each currently mounted file system (see statfs(2)). As statfs(2) indicates, the structure is defined differently depending on whether the macro _DARWIN_FEATURE_64_BIT_INODE is defined (see stat(2) for more information on this macro). The getmntinfo() and getmntinfo_r_np() functions pass their flags argument transparently to getfsstat(2). The getmntinfo() function maintains ownership of the results buffer it allocates, and may overwrite or free this buffer in subsequent calls to getmntinfo(). For this reason, getmntinfo() is not thread-safe. The getmntinfo_r_np() function is a thread-safe equivalent of getmntinfo() that allocates a new results buffer on every call and transfers ownership of this buffer to the caller. The caller is responsible for freeing this memory with free(3). RETURN VALUES
On successful completion, getmntinfo() and getmntinfo_r_np() return a count of the number of elements in the array. The pointer to the array is stored into mntbufp. If an error occurs, zero is returned and the external variable errno is set to indicate the error. The getmntinfo() function may modify the mbtbufp pointer even in the case of an error. In this situation, callers should consider any previous information returned by getmntinfo() to be lost. The getmntinfo_r_np() function will not modify the mntbufp pointer in the case of an error. ERRORS
The getmntinfo() and getmntinfo_r_np() functions may fail and set errno for any of the errors specified for the library routines getfsstat(2) or malloc(3). TRANSITIONAL DESCRIPTION (NOW DEPRECATED) The getmntinfo64() routine is equivalent to its corresponding non-64-suffixed routine, when 64-bit inodes are in effect. It was added before there was support for the symbol variants, and so is now deprecated. Instead of using it, set the _DARWIN_USE_64_BIT_INODE macro before including header files to force 64-bit inode support. The statfs64 structure used by this deprecated routine is the same as the statfs structure when 64-bit inodes are in effect. SEE ALSO
getfsstat(2), mount(2), stat(2), statfs(2), mount(8) HISTORY
The getmntinfo() function first appeared in 4.4BSD. The getmntinfo_r_np() function first appeared in macOS 10.13. BUGS
The getmntinfo() function writes the array of structures to an internal static object and returns a pointer to that object. Subsequent calls to getmntinfo() will modify the same object. The memory allocated by getmntinfo() cannot be free(3)'d by the application. BSD
April 12, 2017 BSD
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