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fpsetsticky(3) [netbsd man page]

FPGETMASK(3)						   BSD Library Functions Manual 					      FPGETMASK(3)

fpgetmask, fpgetprec, fpgetround, fpgetsticky, fpsetmask, fpsetprec, fpsetround, fpsetsticky -- IEEE FP mode control LIBRARY
Standard C Library (libc, -lc) SYNOPSIS
#include <ieeefp.h> fp_except_t fpgetmask(void); fp_prec_t fpgetprec(void); fp_rnd_t fpgetround(void); fp_except_t fpgetsticky(void); fp_except_t fpsetmask(fp_except_t mask); fp_prec_t fpsetprec(fp_prec_t prec); fp_rnd_t fpsetround(fp_rnd_t rnd_dir); fp_except_t fpsetsticky(fp_except_t sticky); DESCRIPTION
A rounding mode fp_rnd_t is one of: FP_RZ rounding towards zero FP_RM rounding down to (Minus infinity) FP_RN rounding to nearest FP_RP rounding down to (Plus infinity) The default mode is FP_RN. An fp_except_t value is a bitmask specifying an exception type and containing any of the values listed below. FP_X_INV Invalid Operation FP_X_DZ Division by zero FP_X_OFL Overflow FP_X_UFL Underflow FP_X_IMP Imprecision (inexact) FP_X_IOV Integer Overflow An fp_prec_t specifies the precision of the floating point operations listed below. FP_PS 24 bit (single-precision) FP_PRS reserved FP_PD 53 bit (double-precision) FP_PE 64 bit (extended-precision) The fpsetmask() function will set the current exception mask, i.e., it will cause future operations with the specified result status to raise the SIGFPE exception. The fpgetmask() function will return the current exception mask. The fpgetprec() function will return the current floating point precision. The fpsetprec() function will set the floating point precision and will return the previous precision. The fpsetround() function will cause future operations to use the specified dynamic rounding mode. The fpgetround() function will return the current rounding mode. Note: On some architectures, instructions can optionally specify static rounding modes and exception enables that will supersede the speci- fied dynamic mode. On other architectures, these features may not be fully supported. A ``sticky'' status word may be maintained in which a bit is set every time an exceptional floating point condition is encountered, whether or not a SIGFPE is generated. The fpsetsticky() function will set or clear the specified exception history bits. The fpgetsticky() function will return the exception history bits. RETURN VALUES
The fpgetround() and fpsetround() functions return the (previous) rounding mode. The fpgetmask(), fpsetmask(), fpgetsticky(), and fpsetsticky() functions return the (previous) exception mask and exception history bits. SEE ALSO
sigaction(2), fenv(3) BUGS
There is no way to return an unsupported value. Not all processors support all the modes. These interfaces are deprecated and the ones in fenv(3) should be used, although the interfaces in fenv(3) don't support getting or setting the precision. BSD
March 26, 2011 BSD

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FPGETROUND(3)						   BSD Library Functions Manual 					     FPGETROUND(3)

fpgetround, fpsetround, fpsetprec, fpgetprec, fpgetmask, fpsetmask, fpgetsticky, fpresetsticky -- IEEE floating point interface SYNOPSIS
#include <ieeefp.h> typedef enum { FP_RN, /* round to nearest */ FP_RM, /* round down to minus infinity */ FP_RP, /* round up to plus infinity */ FP_RZ /* truncate */ } fp_rnd_t; fp_rnd_t fpgetround(void); fp_rnd_t fpsetround(fp_rnd_t direction); typedef enum { FP_PS, /* 24 bit (single-precision) */ FP_PRS, /* reserved */ FP_PD, /* 53 bit (double-precision) */ FP_PE /* 64 bit (extended-precision) */ } fp_prec_t; fp_prec_t fpgetprec(void); fp_prec_t fpsetprec(fp_prec_t precision); #define fp_except_t int #define FP_X_INV 0x01 /* invalid operation */ #define FP_X_DNML 0x02 /* denormal */ #define FP_X_DZ 0x04 /* zero divide */ #define FP_X_OFL 0x08 /* overflow */ #define FP_X_UFL 0x10 /* underflow */ #define FP_X_IMP 0x20 /* (im)precision */ #define FP_X_STK 0x40 /* stack fault */ fp_except_t fpgetmask(void); fp_except_t fpsetmask(fp_except_t mask); fp_except_t fpgetsticky(void); fp_except_t fpresetsticky(fp_except_t sticky); DESCRIPTION
The routines described herein are deprecated. New code should use the functionality provided by fenv(3). When a floating point exception is detected, the exception sticky flag is set and the exception mask is tested. If the mask is set, then a trap occurs. These routines allow both setting the floating point exception masks, and resetting the exception sticky flags after an excep- tion is detected. In addition, they allow setting the floating point rounding mode and precision. The fpgetround() function returns the current floating point rounding mode. The fpsetround() function sets the floating point rounding mode and returns the previous mode. The fpgetprec() function returns the current floating point precision. The fpsetprec() function sets the floating point precision and returns the previous precision. The fpgetmask() function returns the current floating point exception masks. The fpsetmask() function sets the floating point exception masks and returns the previous masks. The fpgetsticky() function returns the current floating point sticky flags. The fpresetsticky() function clears the floating point sticky flags and returns the previous flags. Sample code which prevents a trap on divide-by-zero: fpsetmask(~FP_X_DZ); a = 1.0; b = 0; c = a / b; fpresetsticky(FP_X_DZ); fpsetmask(FP_X_DZ); IMPLEMENTATION NOTES
The fpgetprec() and fpsetprec() functions provide functionality unavailable on many platforms. At present, they are implemented only on the i386 and amd64 platforms. Changing precision is not a supported feature: it may be ineffective when code is compiled to take advantage of SSE, and many library functions and compiler optimizations depend upon the default precision for correct behavior. SEE ALSO
fenv(3), isnan(3) HISTORY
These routines are based on SysV/386 routines of the same name. CAVEATS
After a floating point exception and before a mask is set, the sticky flags must be reset. If another exception occurs before the sticky flags are reset, then a wrong exception type may be signaled. BSD
December 3, 2010 BSD
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